Pepsi Co India- Battling the menace of Plastic Pollution


April 4, 2019

Plastics Products are an integral part of our lives today. But inadequate plastic waste management raises environmental issues. Neelima Dwivedi, Vice President –Corporate Affairs Pepsi Co India talks about the Company’s efforts to deal with this problem. She says” Pepsi Co India is guided with performance with purpose which is our global vision. Pepsi Co is committed to expand our plastic waste management initiative across India. We have started this in Maharashtra first”.

As a part of their extended producer’s responsibility, the company has partnered with Gem Enviro Management to set up Reverse Vending Machines and collection points, where consumers can directly deposit their used PET bottles in the temple town of Shirdi, identified as a High Footfall area. They are going to have five such reverse vending machines across Shirdi temple and then they would scale up this project across Maharashtra state.

PepsiCo’s Performance with Purpose 2025 goal is to design all packaging to be recoverable or recyclable, and to support increased recycling of plastic waste. As part of this, PepsiCo has been working closely with the government and other partners to enhance plastic waste management and to increase 'recycling' in the country.

Sachin Sharma, Director of Gem Enviro Environment says that they are in the business of collection and recycling of all kinds of packaging waste and they ensure that whatever they collect, they recycle them as per legal and environmental norms. They would like to give thanks to Pepsi Co team for supporting them in this initiative. Along with Pepsi Co, they will be able to collect and recycle the desired quantity what they have decided.

Residents of the area appreciate this initiative of Pepsi and feel that it should spread across the entire nation after Maharashtra as this will be great for environment.



PepsiCo entered India in 1989 and in a short period, has grown into one of the largest MNC food and beverage businesses in the country. PepsiCo’s growth in India has been guided by “Performance with Purpose”, its fundamental belief that the success of the company is inextricably linked to the sustainability of the world around.





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