Applications Invited for Invitation to civil society organisations for partnership with Sida

Applications Invited for Invitation to civil society organisations for partnership with Sida

Organization: Sida – the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency

Apply By: 27 May 2024

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About the Organization

Sida – the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency – is a government agency. Our mission is part of the national policy for global development and we strive to reduce world poverty. Sida’s activities are funded through Swedish tax revenue.

What does Sida do and how does the Swedish international development cooperation work? Who pays for it and how do we know that it makes a difference? In this film you will find out why international development cooperation can be the best investment in the world. The movie has a Swedish voiceover but you can turn on English subtitles in the settings.

About the Grant

Sida hereby invites civil society organisations (CSOs) to submit their expression of interest for partnership and funding opportunities starting 2025. The upcoming CSO strategy will reflect Sweden's commitment to supporting an independent and diverse civil society in partner countries, which contributes to sustainable development.

Through this call for expression of interest, Sida initiates a process which aims to ensure that the objectives of the Strategy for Sweden’s Development Cooperation with Civil Society (the CSO Strategy) are met. The purpose is to strengthen civil society organisations in developing countries, enhancing their opportunity and capacity to create better living conditions for people living in poverty and oppression.

To be eligible, the organisations must contribute to the following objectives:

First objective: Strengthened capacity of civil society in developing countries

  • Increased capacity for civil society and its target groups, to organise in matters concerning to democracy, human rights, rule of law, gender equality, free market and property rights, accountability, tolerance, anti-corruption, and/or peace and security.
  • Increased effectiveness, local anchoring, and transparency of civil society actors.

Second objective: An enabling environment for civil society in developing countries

  • Strengthened space for an independent and pluralistic civil society.
  • Improved conditions for dialogue and collaboration within civil society, and between civil society and other actors.
  • Improved conditions for civil society actors to act independently and diversify their financing.

Sida will ensure that the objectives are met by choosing a diverse range of partners. However, each organisation does not have to contribute to all objectives.


The call is open to civil society organisations conducting long-term development cooperation relevant to the objectives in the current Swedish strategy for development cooperation with civil society.

The following categories of CSOs are eligible:

  • Organisations based and operating directly in countries eligible for official development assistance (ODA countries).
  • Organisations forwarding funds to civil society actors in ODA countries.
  • Organisations not based in an ODA country and focusing on the strategy objective "an enabling environment for civil society in developing countries".

How to Apply

Apply here

Please click the link above to get to the online registration form where you submit your expression of interest. Last day to apply is 27 May, 2024.

For more information please check the Link

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