RFP invites for On Preparation of Feasibilty Reports On Livelihoods Resource Mapping In OPELIP

RFP invites for On Preparation of Feasibilty Reports On Livelihoods Resource Mapping In OPELIP

Organization: OPELIP, Government of Odisha

Apply By: 03 Aug 2018

Background and Brief description of the Project

The Odisha PVTG Empowerment and Livelihoods Improvement Programme's (OPELIP) goal is to achieve enhanced living conditions and reduced poverty of the Particularly Vulnerable Tribal groups (PVTG) and other poor communities. This is sought to be achieved through realizing the development objective of enabling improved livelihoods and food and nutrition security for a total of 62,356 households. Beneficiary households would comprise 32,090 PTGs, 13,970 other Scheduled Tribe (ST) households, 5,486 Scheduled Caste households and 10,810 others.

The project has 4 main components as follows:

  • Component 1: Community Empowerment: This component will have two subcomponents:
  • promotion of village development associations for the planning and execution of need-based activities of the community that cover natural resources management, community-based paralegal services, community-based health, hygiene and nutrition education and community infrastructure; and (ii) promotion of SHGs and rural finance services to enable social development of the SHG members through facilitating group savings and credit and through building their capacity.
  • Component 2: Natural Resources Management and Livelihoods Enhancement: This component will have three sub-components: (i) NRM, (ii) Food and nutrition security and
  • Livelihoods improvement. This component will also have facilities for vocational training for the PTG youth and promoting PTG culture and values.
  • Component 3: Community Infrastructure and drudgery reduction: Interventions under this component will include inter alia: building critical social infrastructure such as schools, health clinics, child-care centres (that are not included under any of the mainstream infrastructure development programmes), storage structures along with drying yards, threshing floors, provision of weighing scales, household storage bins for promoting value-addition and fair trade in villages, small market yards and aggregation centres, facilities for food and NTFP processing units including small rice hullers, upgrading village link roads, rural water supply, supply of smokeless wood-stoves and support to operations and maintenance of village fuel-wood reserves.
  • Component 4: Programme Management: This component will have three subcomponents as follows: (i) a Programme Management Unit (PMU) will be set up within the ST and SC Development Department, Government of Odisha in Bhubaneswar, (ii) the programme will strengthen the 17 existing MPAs with staff and facilities;

Purpose & Objective of Livelihoods Improvement:

The purpose of the component is to ensure income security and access to fair markets for the PVTGs by expanding income generating opportunities and developing marketing collectives.

The objective is to enhance the knowledge and skills of PVTG households with regard to traditional home based income generating activities, expand the scale and scope of these activities, create sustainable service and support systems for these activities, enhance the value of the NTFPs collected by the PVTGs, establish viable collectives to realise fair prices for NTFPs and create opportunities for employment in the urban industrial economy


The Scope of Services

Scope of Work:

The specific scopes of work for the assignment are as specified hereunder:

1. Inception meeting with the Project Management Unit (PMU) staff

2. Development of Detail Methodologies for feasibility reports on Livelihood resource mapping and submission of Inception Report

General Roles & Responsibilities of the Agency:

In addition to the above mentioned scope of work the general roles & responsibilities of the agency will include the followings:

1. The involvement of the agency will start from the time of signing the contract with PMU and continue till final reports have been finalized and accepted by PMU, OPELIP.

2. The agency will make sure that all PMU Information used or held by the professionals engaged by it during the period of the Agreement shall be and remain at all times property of OPELIP. Upon the termination or expiration of the Agreement, the agency shall promptly deliver to OPELIP all such tangible items related to this agreement, which is in its possession or control of the agency and which either belong to OPELIP or contain information related to this agreement.

3. The agency will ensure that the professionals engaged by it shall not disclose or use or cause to be disclosed or use, at any time during or subsequent to the Agreement, any secret or confidential information of OPELIP and keep all the information collected during the study strictly confidential.

Services provided by the PMU

OPELIP will provide the following assistance to the Agency:

- Official documents required for conducting the study and authorization from State authorities.

- The sample size and selection of the survey including the counterfactual to adequately attribute impact to the project.

- The organization of the workshop for the presentation and discussion of the draft feasibility reports on livelihoods opportunity in 17 MPAs.

Proposals must be submitted no later than the following date and time: By 15.00 PM, 03.08.2018.

For more information please check the Link



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