Donations and Donor Engagement

Total Search Impact (6)
Many of us want to donate to a charity, but don’t know where to begin. From finding a genuine nonprofit organization to determining whether online giving is safe, there are several challenges th....
September 13, 2022

We are sure you understand the reasons why your NGO both needs and merits funding – to further its mission and values, to run and implement the programs and projects, to plan for future progr....
August 23, 2022

Let’s ask ourselves, why is it crucial to craft a good donor appeal? We want to make a stranger relate to us, we want them to care, we want to make an emotional impact on them and ultimately e....
August 23, 2022

How to Create a Social Media Strategy for Your Nonprofit (NGO). In today's nonprofit marketing tip video, we share a 6-Part Framework on how to create a social media strategy for your nonpro....
April 17, 2020

Resource Kit
Facebook Live Facebook Live enables you to be part of what’s happening around the world in real-time. If your supporters can’t meet in person, you can use Facebook Live to host ....
April 17, 2020

With the current social situation in the world plagued by poverty, conflicts, hunger and rising inequality, nonprofits are on their feet to address these issues and expand its work across va....
April 17, 2020



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