Applications Invited for AmplifyChange Network Grants

Applications Invited for AmplifyChange Network Grants

Organization: AmplifyChange

Apply By: 02 Jul 2024

Grant Amount: 600000 GBP

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About the Organization

Her Royal Highness Queen Mary of Denmark officially launched AmplifyChange in 2014 and has vocally supported grassroots movements for SRHR.

Our vision is to secure full attainment of sexual and reproductive health and rights for all. We believe this can only be achieved through building a stronger civil society, with diverse organisations who are resilient and work together to form movements for change.

Our mission is to be a global leader in supporting grassroots organisations and building stronger, more inclusive movements for SRHR for all, especially in challenging contexts.

About the Grant

Network Grants contribute to the development of stronger and more inclusive movements advocating for sexual reproductive health and rights (SRHR). They ensure a movement is resourced and contribute to equitable and effective allocation of resources across a movement.

The duration of a Network Grant is 2 to 3 years for applications from GBP 225,000 to GBP 600,000. We have expanded our eligibility criteria to include smaller-sized networks for a more inclusive approach to supporting grassroots initiatives. Networks can be complex to manage, and we are looking for organisations with strong management systems already in place or to be put in place during the grant. We encourage you to be realistic and apply for the amount that is best for your organisation and project.

What are we looking for:

Priority themes -

The purpose of this Network Grant call is to fund civil society organisations with the capability to provide support and resources to the SRHR movement, and experience of working with or supporting SRHR networks, coalitions, partners or civil society organisations. You must be working to bring about positive change in one of the AmplifyChange priority themes or an intersection or combination of themes: Abortion, Violence, Youth, Stigma and Access.

Outcome areas -

Applications must respond to one or more of our outcome areas in our Theory of Change: Increasing individual awareness of SRHR as human rights; Improving access to SRHR resources, information & services; Transforming social norms; Changing policies & laws; and Building stronger, more inclusive movements for SRHR.

Other themes -

Within our priority themes, AmplifyChange supports cross-cutting themes that impact on SRHR and well-being and respond to challenges that advocates identify as their priorities for action. We are happy to receive applications from organisations who wish to integrate these issues into their proposals: Climate Justice, Pleasure and Mental health.

Key Approaches:

AmplifyChange funds advocacy. We are focused on achieving long-term, sustainable change, and we recognise that collective actions are the best way to achieve change. Understanding how you connect to the wider movement and demonstrating how you are working towards the same change is critical.

We are particularly interested to fund projects that:

  • are developed jointly with network members. The proposal development, share of the budget and governance of the network should reflect the participation and involvement of the whole network.
  • propose an effective approach to ongoing monitoring and relationship-building with civil society organisations. This may include:
  • Inclusive leadership, as successful advocacy benefits most from a combination of SRHR expertise and diverse connections. We seek to support efforts to coordinate campaigning across multiple organisations and their public supporter base.
  • Connecting and community-building, including (but not exclusively) physical convening, mentoring, or facilitating exchanges as part of establishing a stronger community of professional advocates and emerging leaders to SRHR.
  • Linking and learning to support stronger learning within SRHR advocacy communities. We will support learning activities such as the sharing of best practice and the production of evidence on advocacy impact and effectiveness of advocacy practice.


All applicants must meet the general eligibility criteria as well as the criteria detailed below. The eligibility criteria refers solely to the lead applicant organisation.

  • The applicant organisation must be registered and implementing a project in one of AmplifyChange’s eligible countries. You must have a registration status that enables you to receive funds from foreign sources.
  • The applicant organisation must have a bank account.
  • The applicant organisation must have transparent governance structures and will be required to submit, as part of your full application, your (i) organisational strategic plan and governance structure; (ii) a results framework of expected results and outcomes (linked to AmplifyChange’s Theory of Change); (iii) annual audited accounts for past three years.
  • The annual value of the Network Grant cannot exceed 50% of your organisation’s average annual expenditure over the past three years. For example, if you apply for GBP 300,000 over 3 years, the annual value of the grant is GBP 100,000. Therefore, the average annual expenditure of the applicant organisation over the past three years must be GBP 200,000 or more. We strongly advise you to download our calculator to check if you are financially eligible to apply for this grant: Network Grant Calculator
  • Applicant organisations can only submit one application as the lead; however, you can be downstream partners on other applications.

How to Apply

We run a two-step process to select Network Grant recipients. The first step is a concept note, followed by an invitation to submit a full application for shortlisted entries.

Concept note open until 2 July.

Concept Note Planning Document - Network Grant

For more information please check the Link

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