ToR for Communication Design - Energy for Health Program

ToR for Communication Design - Energy for Health Program

Organization: SELCO Foundation

Apply By: 20 May 2024

ToR for Communication Design - Energy for Health Program
2 Months (Duration in Month and Days)
Expected area of expertise
Communication design, graphics design, illustration, content review and writing
RFP Opening Date  
RFP Closing Date  
Apply Link
(Contact Procurement for Form Link)

About SELCO Foundation:  

SELCO Foundation’s mission is to create a platform of solutions that uses sustainable energy as  a catalyst to bridge environmental sustainability and poverty alleviation. With holistic development  as the primary focus, the organization strives to create equitable societies, where services are  accessed by all communities. The interventions of SELCO lead to a sustainable delivery model  of essential services like livelihoods, education, and health till the last mile. (Read more about  SELCO here: http://www.selcofoundation.org/ )  

Summary of the project:  

This project entails reviewing content from the one year of operations from the Energy  for Health Program and developing communications material for social media outreach  for 2 months. 

Scope of Work




1. Impact Stories 

Review (existing content)  videos, case stories,  

articles and interviews  

from all states, Strategy  documents, events  

video, photos, press 

24 total static carousels and/ or  reels (short format videos) for  linkedin, instagram and x (twitter)

2 newsletters

2. State wise  

E4H booklets/  


releases, interview  

relevant teams etc

10 booklets (1 per state) – trifold or  bifold

3. Instruction  

Manual and  


1 no. x Poster designs in digital  format (PDF, JPEG, etc.)  

(compatible for both English and  Kannada languages) 

3 no. x User manuals  

(3-5 pages each) (compatible for  both English and Kannada  



The consultant chosen for the assignment must possess the following:

  • Basic Research Proficiency: Ability to review and analyze content to develop  communication material; 
  • Adaptability: Capability to adapt to changing requirements and pivot research  strategies as needed; 
  • Feedback Incorporation: Capacity to incorporate feedback from the team; 

Selection Criteria: 

The prospective consultant will be evaluated by an expert in-house committee on the  following criteria -  

  • Relevant background and experience  
  • Quality of Approach and methodology  
  • Cost effectiveness  
  • Timelines 

To apply 

Interested consultants / organisations, with relevant experience (please include samples and/or  references of the previous similar work as proof of experience) and based out of India are  requested to reach out with a detailed proposal giving a brief on the methodology and the process  they will uptake for this project, including budgets (with break-ups and explanation), timelines and  milestones and submit the same to google form https://forms.gle/7ZDkTtsCbQoAT6hS9  on  before 20th May 2024. 

Any further queries please write to procurement@selcofoundation.org  with a subject line:  “Energy for Health - Communication Design ” (Name of Project) 

To download the full ToR, click here





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