Huntsman is Empowering Villagers in India Through its Education Initiatives
By- Huntsman
February 18, 2021

In the rural parts of India, most pressing needs of the communities are access to priority education, good health and clean water. As a leading global chemicals producers, Huntsman recognizes its responsibility to enhance the quality of life and economic well-being of communities around its factories and society at large.
Enhancing early childhood education in pre-primary schools more commonly known as Anganwadis. Promoting education for girls through the distribution of bicycles and home visits. Empowering adolescents with life skills, education and vocational trainings are some of the way. Huntsman is addressing these basic needs through Corporate Social Responsibility.
Daxaben Solanki, Anganwadi worker, Dabhasa village says – ‘The company has improved the conditions of Anganwadis (pre-primary schools). Company has provided racks to keep toys and learning aids to facilitate activity-based learning. Company sent representatives to train all Anganwadi teachers every month including how to narrate stories to children and how to teach children rhymes. Currently, we conduct various activity-based sessions for the children between 11 am – 2 pm. The children enjoy these activities as much as we do.
Kajal, a student says – ‘Since my childhood, I am very fond of learning. But the schools on our village are upto standard 8th only. So, after my 8th grade, I felt that now my fate is farming only. Madam from Huntsman came to my home to counsel my parents. After that my parents allowed me to study further. Company also gifted me a bicycle to enable us to study further. And now, I go to Dabhasa village English Medium High School on the same bicycle.’
A dream of a better world can be seen in the eyes of 22 girls who have been empowered to attend high school. 19 Anganwadis in 4 villages have been improved quality of education since the launch of Anandi in 2011. Science Labs have been developed in schools to make learning more engaging. A computer teacher has been appointed in each school to facilitate e-learning as a part of the Anandi initiative.
Huntsman also provide life skills education to over 200 adolescents every month. The school-dropout girls learn about reproductive health. Life skills workshop enable these girls to take better decisions in life.
Jyotsna, a School-dropout & Huntsman beneficiary says– ‘One day, madam from Huntsman came to meet my mother and told us about lifeskills session for girls in the panchayat, so send Jyotsna there. From the knowledge I gained after coming to the session I decided that I will not get married before I am 18 years old.’
Different vocational training programs are conducted to empower girls. With skills like paper bag making, sewing, crochet weaving. Some are able to earn a living but all of them celebrate the spirit of independence in their group.
Huntsman CSR team proactively engages with the stakeholders and there is a constant and open dialogue with them. Seeking and welcoming their feedback to meet the specific needs of the local communities.
Pravinbhai Makwana, Sarpanch, Luna village says – ‘Huntsman constructed a RCC (reinforced concrete) underground water tank of 500KL capacity in Luna village. As a result of this initiative, there will be surplus drinking water for many generations to come. The storage capacity of water provided by the Gujarat State Water Board was very little. Because of this initiative, water will no longer be wasted.’
The larger need of being able to make life better for families around the world has helped Huntsman take initiatives in the area of clean drinking water and animal husbandry. Huntsman provides clean drinking water to residents outside its gates. Huntsman has helped by giving funds to install a reverse osmosis system.
6200 villagers of Umraya village now have access to potable drinking water. They conduct regular trainings to educate women dairy farmers about good animal husbandry practices. Equipeed with the knowledge of making organic fertilizer – ‘Jivamrut’, these women are progressing for better lives.
In the spirit of our vision, we see a better world. Huntsman Vadodara is helping a better future for local communities.

Huntsman Corporation is an American multinational manufacturer and marketer of chemical products for consumers and industrial customers. Huntsman manufactures assorted polyurethanes, performance products, and adhesives for customers like BMW, GE, Chevron, Procter & Gamble, and Unilever.
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