Jalvaibhav - Emphasizing on adoption of sustainable agriculture practices amongst the farmer community

By- L&T Financial Services

September 21, 2020

Jalvaibhav - Emphasizing on adoption of sustainable agriculture practices amongst the farmer community

L&T Financial Services

Drought and low crop produce have been persistent in Marathwada and Vidarbha region of Maharashtra for the past 6-8 years. Excess use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides and climate change have worsened the situation further. L & T Financial Services has taken an initiative with the support of Dilasa Janvikas Pratishthan to change this picture and started ‘Project Jalvaibhav’.


60 villages in Maharashtra are selected for the project from the districts of Auranagabad, Jalna and Buldana. To develop the soil and water conservation plan in a systematic way, measures such as CCT, LBS, Gabion, Nala bunds, repair of existing structures, and Nala deepening have been completed on a priority basis. Rainwater has been harvested and percolated, which resulted in an increase in groundwater levels. This village now beautified with lush greenery and several smiling faces.


The farmer who once lost hope in drought is now handling the situation with confidence. Traditional ways of farming were giving a low yield but Jalvaibhav project changed that. It provided them with a new perspective on advanced technologies and  a simple package of practices to be followed systematically under Farmer Field School. Many simple yet effective inputs were provided which improved crop production. For better communication between a farmer and project team, one agriculture ambassador known as ‘Krishidoot’ was also appointed.


These solution-oriented policies have worked satisfactorily. Many trees have been planted in public and private places. It not only helps in maintaining normal temperature but also in increasing the oxygen levels, soil and water conservation, higher precipitation, a shelter for buds and animals, and creating biodiversity of flora and fauna.


Thousands of stressed and helpless farmers have got a positive perspective due to the Jalvaibhav project. Started in 2015 in 12 villages of Beed district in the Marathwada region, it has been expanded to 122 villages across 6 districts in Maharashtra namely Osmanabad, Solapur, Latur, Aurangabad, Jalna and Budhana benefiting more than 60,000 farmers. Jalvaibhav emphasises on adoption of sustainable agriculture practices amongst the farmer community.





L&T Financial Services

L&T Financial Services is one of India’s leading NBFC brands offering a wide range of financial products and services across rural, housing and asset management services. LTFS is headquartered in Mumbai.





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