PTC Foundation along with SM Sehgal Foundation is Empowering Farmers to Develop their Villages with Gram Utthan
April 20, 2020

SM Sehgal Foundation
The Muzaffarpur District in Bihar has been identified as an aspirational district by Niti Aayog in 2018. The district requires support in agriculture and water resources, health and nutrition, education, infrastructure and skill development.
PTC Foundation Trust is supporting three projects in Bihar. Project Gram Utthaan aims for a sustainable and inclusive growth across five villages of Muzaffarpur district in Bihar. The project provides holistic solutions to farm families which includes use of solar energy; mechanization of farming practices; balanced nutrition and crop protection; and entrepreneurship for better livelihoods.
Under Sustainable Agronomic Practices,the organization distributed five zero tillage machines benefitting 200 farmers, covering 282 acres. The outcome- mechanisation saved INR 1 Lakh by reducing farm input costs inspiring other villages to adopt the technology. Three potato planters helped 45 farmers plant potatoes in 18.37 acres. The yield was increased by 30%. Three solar irrigation systems irrigated 97.19 acres. The farmers saved INR 63, 939 otherwise spent on diesel or electricity.
The foundation conducted 116 training session, in which 2693 farmers took an active part. The outcome was that farmers learned new agriculture practices and started applying micronutrients in wheat, maize, paddy, and potato crops. 88 crop demonstration was conducted for farmers to showcase the importance of mechanisation and improved cultivation practices. Apart from that, 423 buffaloes, cows and goats were treated at Animal Health camps and provided with medicine.
To develop ‘Entrepreneurship among women for better Livelihood,’ 56 goats were provided to eight women as demonstration. These women were trained on health and nutritional needs of the goats. As per the Outcome, eight ‘goat’preneurs are successfully running this enterprise.
315 marginal farm families and landless families were provided with vegetables seeds (Spinach, bottle gourd, Brinjal, tomato and chilli) for Kitchen Garden, which resulted in families saving money (average 30 per day) from buying vegetables.
The foundation also started ‘Women Leadership Schools’ which trained 145 women leader on provisions of key government programs (widow pensions, maternity benefits, vaccination, kisan samman)
To prevent waterborne diseases, the villagers were provided with affordable drinking water solution,’Jal kalp’ which has reduced incidences of health problems in families.
Under ‘ Gram Utthan’, PTC Foundation successfully transformed over 4000 lives.

S M Sehgal Foundation is an Indian NGO focused on rural development with its main offices in Gurugram, Haryana
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