She Hope Society-Empowering People with Locomotor Disability


April 12, 2019

She Hope Society for Women Entrepreneurs, one of the finalists of HCL Grant 2019 in the health category, works in the remote areas of Jammu and Kashmir on physical rehabilitation of those who have lost locomotive abilities due to accidents and conflict-related incidents. The aim of the NGO is to impact the lives of 9,500 people with disabilities in Jammu and Kashmir.

She Hope society is the registered organization working from remote and isolated areas in Jammu & Kashmir because there are no services available for the type of people and this is the only organization in Jammu & Kashmir who is working for the community-based rehabilitation and  is receiving good results in the community.

The mountainous region of Jammu & Kashmir state is affected by chronic conflict for the past many decades. Therefore, locomotors disabilities due to accident or conflict are prominent in this area. And to make the situation worse, only a few facilities are available for physical rehabilitation, especially in the rural area.

The services include institution and community-based rehabilitation, occupational hearing, speech therapy. Donations of aids and appliances, providing prosthetic and orthotic devices, corrective surgeries and postoperative care and training of health workers is also conducted.



SHE HOPE Society is a non profit, non political, non-government, non-religious Working in Jammu and Kashmir for down trodden people, disabled and disadvantaged People, Women SHG, Artisans, and other weaker sections of society. Society is a registered (NGO), registered under the IndianSocieties Registration Act VI of 1998 (1941 A.D.) vide registration No: 3711-S of 2001.





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