Asaadharan School Transformation Fellowship

Organization: Asaadharan Foundation

Apply By: 31 Mar 2026

Our Vision - "All children in Gujarat have an equitable opportunity to attain Holistic Foundational Education” and each day we are taking a step towards making this vision a reality.


At Asaadharan, our mission is to build a movement of leaders dedicated to transforming education in government schools across Surat. Since 2016, we have been working tirelessly in the education sector, focusing on the challenges faced by government schools. Our journey revealed a critical shortage of teachers and the resulting gap in the quality of education, which has left many children without access to proper education.


Over the years, our efforts have impacted 1,660 children and 4,526 teachers, making us realize the need for an even greater impact. To scale our efforts, we officially registered as a Section 8 non-profit company in 2019. Through our Asaadharan School Transformation Project, we aim to bring skilled, motivated, and community-driven individuals into the education system and also work towards regularly upskilling the school staff, making classrooms holistic and interactive, engaging communities, enhancing children’s participation and building more student leaders and Edu-Leaders. Our goal is to cultivate student leaders who can drive sustainable improvements in foundational education, particularly for children from vulnerable backgrounds in Surat's government schools.


To address the student-teacher ratio in government and municipal schools, we focus on nurturing leaders from within the community. Currently, we have adopted two government schools and are working towards transforming those schools in following areas:

1. Making classroom interactive & holistic

2. Teachers and school staff development

3. Community Engagement

4. Enhancing children's participation and learning. 

5. Student and Edu-leader leadership development.


The fellowship runs in Surat, Gujarat and application is open from now to March 2026. 




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