Tata Steel Meramandali organises fire safety awareness programme for school students
By Tata Steel
April 23, 2024
Tata Steel Meramandali's (TSM) Fire Safety Department organised a fire safety awareness session at Nuagaon Upper Primary School as part of observation of National Fire Service Week 2024. The primary objective of the session was to impart crucial fire safety knowledge and precautionary measures to the students.
The programme covered various topics essential for fire safety, including the types of extinguishers and the PASS method, demonstrated live for better understanding. Additionally, road safety, gas safety while cooking at home, and electrical safety were also discussed to provide a comprehensive understanding of potential hazards and preventive measures. To make the learning experience more interactive, a quiz competition was held, followed by the distribution of prizes to the participating students. More than 100 students, schoolteachers and staff were present during this session.
Employees of TSM'S Fire Safety Department and Tata Steel Foundation, were present to conduct this awareness programme. TSM remains committed to fostering a culture of safety not only within its premises but also in the surrounding communities. During the past year, similar programmes were organised in six other schools. Initiatives like these highlight TSM's dedication to promoting safety awareness and ensuring the well-being of all stakeholders.
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