Applications Invited for Integrating Requirements, Drivers, and Technologies for Enhanced Distribution System Water Quality Monitoring

Applications Invited for Integrating Requirements, Drivers, and Technologies for Enhanced Distribution System Water Quality Monitoring

Organization: The Water Research Foundation (WRF)

Apply By: 07 May 2025

Grant Amount: 350000 USD

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About the Organization

The Water Research Foundation (WRF) is the leading research organization advancing the science of all water to meet the evolving needs of its subscribers and the water sector. WRF is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, educational organization that funds, manages, and publishes research on the technology, operation, and management of drinking water, wastewater, reuse, and stormwater systems—all in pursuit of ensuring water quality and improving water services to the public.

WRF was formed in 2018 through the integration of three highly respected research collaboratives: WateReuse Research Foundation, Water Environment Research Foundation, and Water Research Foundation. Separately, these organizations focused on research to support varied segments of the water sector—water reuse, wastewater and stormwater, and drinking water, respectively. Now a One Water organization, WRF delivers the research programming the sector needs to address the most pressing water issues holistically.

About the Grant

This project is funded by The Water Research Foundation (WRF) as part of WRF’s Research Priority Program.

Project Objectives:

  • Evaluate existing distribution system water quality monitoring programs designed for different purposes to identify opportunities for integration for future improvements in efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Develop comprehensive guidance for designing, implementing, maintaining and using advanced and optimized approaches to manage and monitor water quality in distribution systems.
  • Provide actionable recommendations for water utilities and regulators to enhance distribution system water quality monitoring programs and practices in a more integrated manner.


Applicants may request up to $350,000 in WRF funds for this project.

Background and Project Rationale:

Since the 1980s, water quality monitoring in distribution systems has evolved in response to various regulatory requirements, operational needs, industry standards, and technological advancements, and it is still evolving today. A water quality monitoring program typically includes elements such as water quality goals, sampling program design, identification of parameters to be monitored along with test methods, data collection and management procedures, quality assurance and control procedures, action levels and procedures for response, and reporting protocols. However, the evolution of monitoring programs and objectives has resulted in disparate programs operating independently and competing for resources within water utilities. Each monitoring program typically has its own set of objectives, methods, and data collection needs. As a result, there is duplication of efforts, conflicting priorities, and missed opportunities to leverage shared resources for greater efficiency and effectiveness. To address these challenges of current and evolving water quality monitoring programs, there is a need to adopt a holistic and integrated approach that involves reviewing existing programs, leveraging new technologies, and optimizing monitoring efforts.

By integrating disparate programs and leveraging technological advancements, water utilities can streamline monitoring practices, improve data collection and analysis, and ensure consistent and reliable water quality in distribution systems. Furthermore, given the diverse demands of regulatory compliance, operational optimization, and customer-focused requirements, there is a need to examine how different monitoring designs can better integrate these diverse needs. Through enhancing overall water quality management, this research aims to create more efficient and effective integrated water quality monitoring programs. Thus, there is a timely need to reconsider water quality monitoring as a whole to address the challenges posed by fragmented approaches and pave the way for comprehensive and integrated monitoring.

Research Approach:

We encourage proposers to bring creativity and originality to their proposals. Proposers should outline their research methods and demonstrate how they will achieve the objectives outlined above. The proposal must include the following tasks in the research approach with a detailed description of the research methodologies and a clear plan for addressing each task.

  • Task 1: Comprehensive Review on Water Quality Monitoring
  • Task 2: Development of Integrated Monitoring Protocols
  • Task 3: Evaluation of the Integrated Monitoring Using Case Studies
  • Task 4: Final Report and Guidance Document

Expected Deliverables:

  • A final report summarizing key discussion, findings, and recommendations from the workshop, literature review, and case studies (must use WRF’s Research Report Template).
  • A webinar to share project outcomes with water utility professionals and stakeholders on distribution system monitoring practices and recommendations.
  • Comprehensive and actionable guidance document and factsheets outlining enhancement of monitoring designs and recommendations.
  • Recommendations for research in technology applications and for federal and statelevel discussion on how the findings can support regulatory improvements.
  • Multiple peer-reviewed publications and opportunities for regional workshops to bring together utilities and stakeholders to share and discuss integrated monitoring issues and experiences.
  • If technology deliverables (e.g., webtool) will be produced, they must follow the Technology Deliverables Guidance

Project Duration:

The anticipated period of performance for this project is 36 months from the contract start date.


Proposals will be accepted from domestic or international entities, including educational institutions, research organizations, governmental agencies, and consultants or other for-profit entities.

How to Apply

Proposals are accepted exclusively online in PDF format, and they must be fully submitted before 3:00 pm Mountain Time on Wednesday, May 7, 2025.

The online proposal system allows submission of your documents until the date and time stated in this RFP. To avoid the risk of the system closing before you press the submit button, do not wait until the last minute to complete your submission. Submit your proposal at https://forms.waterrf.org/cbruck/-rfp-5301

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