Applications Invited for Rainforest Action Network Protect an Acre Grant

Applications Invited for Rainforest Action Network Protect an Acre Grant

Organization: Rainforest Action Network

Apply By: 30 Jun 2020

Grant Amount: 5000 USD

About the Organization:

Rainforest Action Network preserves forests, protects the climate and upholds human rights by challenging corporate power and systemic injustice through frontline partnerships and strategic campaigns. RAN works toward a world where the rights and dignity of all communities are respected and where healthy forests, a stable climate and wild biodiversity are protected and celebrated. They are committed to doing what is necessary, not only what is considered politically feasible, to preserve rainforests, protect the climate, and uphold human rights.

Protect-an-Acre (PAA):

RAN established Protect-an-Acre (PAA) in 1993 to protect the world’s forests and support the rights of their inhabitants through small grants to traditionally under-funded organizations and communities in forest regions. PAA is a grassroots alternative to “buy-an-acre” programs that seek to provide rainforest protection by buying tracts of land, but which often fail to address the priorities or rights of local Indigenous and forest communities.

To inquire regarding the possibility of funding for your organization and to request an online version of the application, please contact paa@ran.org.

Top priority is given to:

  • Projects emphasizing grassroots organizing, education, training and capacity building to develop skills, increase awareness and/or build alliances towards protection of forests and increased community control over local resources
  • Projects emphasizing community-driven, strategic use of non-violent direct action that supports local resistance to destructive development activities such as logging, oil extraction, dam construction and the expansion of monoculture plantations.
  • Projects supporting Indigenous communities securing or maintaining legal land title recognition (demarcation of territory, GPS mapping, resource inventories and management plans, meetings with neighboring communities, etc.)

Also supported:

  • Environmentally and socially sound sustainable economic alternative initiatives.
  • Travel and other opportunities that amplify community voices in regional, national and international forums and provide access to decision makers.
  • Field studies and original research used to hold companies accountable for their on-the-ground activities
  • Seed money for emerging grassroots organizations

Applications are evaluated on the following criteria:

  • Applicant’s capacity to carry out proposed activities.
  • Project strategy and urgency/includes well-defined objectives and planned activities.
  • Scale and scope of community participation, including when applicable that the community where the project is centered and/or that will be impacted by the initiative be engaged in the decision-making process related to the activities.
  • Ecological/cultural significance of forest/local environment.
  • Project honors and upholds diversity and equity.
  • Activities would be significantly enhanced by a small grant/applicant’s annual budget (under $150,000 is prioritized), overall access to resources and previous funding from RAN.

PAA does not support individual, governmental, or exclusively academic projects. Grants generally do not exceed $5,000. Certain components of projects with larger budgets can be funded when those components significantly contribute to the project’s final outcome.

To inquire regarding the possibility of funding for your organization and to request an online version of the application, please contact paa@ran.org.

Applications can be submitted at any time.

For more information please check the Link



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