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Applications Invited for Reece Foundation Grant

Organization: Reece Foundation
Apply By: 15 Apr 2025
Grant Amount: 30000 AUD
About the Organization
Clean water & sanitation has a positive ripple effect - children can go to school with access to toilets and women are empowered to access an education. That's why we've created a new independent charity in Australia: The Reece Foundation.
Water is fundamental for quality of life, and trades play a vital role in helping us access this precious resource. And that's what we're about, connecting communities with trade skills to improve people's health and wellbeing.
Our Vision: Creating a world where everyone has access to clean water and sanitation.
About the Grant
We support locally led initiatives that help communities in Australia and overseas with access to clean water, sanitation or food security through irrigation. If you've got an idea to help a community most in need, apply today.
The Reece Foundation accepts Grant applications that meet the following guidelines:
- The application is submitted by a registered charity or not-for-profit organisation.
- Identifies a need for access to clean water, sanitation or irrigation for food security.
- Clearly articulates the potential impact on the community.
- Outlines how the organisation has consulted with and involved the community in the proposed initiative.
- Includes the trade-skills required for the project in addressing the need identified by the community.
- The funding request is between AUD$5,000 and AUD$30,000.
How to Apply
Applications can be made by filling in this form. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis and you will be notified if you have been shortlisted.
For more information please check the Link
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