Applications Invited for Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) Grant

Applications Invited for Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) Grant

Organization: Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR)

Apply By: 05 Aug 2024

Grant Amount: 7500 USD

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About the Organization

Right Sharing of World Resources (RSWR) is an independent Quaker not-for-profit organization sharing the abundance of God’s love by working for equity through partnerships around the world.

RSWR is a Quaker organization supported primarily by the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) in the United States. RSWR has two main goals: 1) Provide grants for women in the developing world to begin small income-generating businesses so that they may help themselves and their families out of poverty. 2) Help Quakers in the United States learn about the negative effects of poverty in the developing world and the negative effects of materialism in North America.

About the Grant

RSWR gives grants to groups of marginalized women in Guatemala, Kenya, Sierra Leone, and India to fund individual micro-enterprise projects. Right Sharing’s work is grounded in a sense of stewardship for the world’s material, human, and spiritual resources.

RSWR supports income-generating, self-employment projects for poor women who are members of a self-help group. The project must include a revolving loan component. We believe that small scale income-generating projects offer a means of establishing self-sufficiency to very poor people. By requiring that the project include a revolving loan program, we can multiple the impact of our grant as the funds are revolved many times to many different women within the community.

Burdens of materialism and poverty affect all peoples, in the developing and developed world. The projects RSWR supports in the developing world build awareness and capacity in the beneficiaries as well as assisting them by providing employment alternatives so that they can move out of poverty. Likewise, RSWR strives to provide awareness building and alternatives for lifestyle changes for Quakers in the United States as we seek God’s leading in our lives. RSWR believes that we have much to learn from one another as we work together in partnership.


We strive to help newer, smaller organizations whose budgets may not allow them to receive grants from other sources. NGOs must be less than 20 years old and have annual budgets of less than $16,500.

Because of staff and fiscal limitations, RSWR focuses its funding in India in Tamil Nadu and the districts of Chittoor, Tirupati and Annamaya in Andhra Pradesh.

How to Apply

Application Forms: India

For more information please check the Link

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