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Applications Invited for the Global EbA Fund

Organization: Global EbA Fund
Apply By: 21 Apr 2025
Grant Amount: 250000 USD
About the Organization
Implemented by IUCN and UNEP, with funding from the International Climate Initiative (IKI) of the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV), the Global EbA Fund is a funding mechanism for catalytic, innovative, and inclusive projects that aim to create an enabling environment for the implementation of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) to enhance the resilience of vulnerable communities and ecosystems to the impacts of climate change.
About the Grant
With the focus on EbA, a nature-based solution that harnesses biodiversity and ecosystem services to reduce vulnerability and build resilience of human communities to climate change, the Fund is strategically positioned to connect and contribute to the delivery of global agendas on the Climate Change – Biodiversity nexus.
The Fund contributes to the achievement of The Sharm-El-Sheikh Adaptation Agenda launched at COP27 and employs a transformative approach to climate change adaptation in line with the guidance of the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report on Impact, Adaptation and Vulnerability, and specifically addresses Target 8 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework.
By supporting catalytic climate change adaptation initiatives, the Fund will help overcome barriers to upscaling EbA, address knowledge gaps, pilot innovative EbA approaches, engage in strategic EbA policy mainstreaming, and incentivise innovative finance mechanisms and private sector EbA investment.
The Global EbA Fund is a catalytic funding mechanism that supports projects that aim to create enabling environments for the uptake and mainstreaming of Ecosystem-based Adaptation to climate change. All proposed projects requesting funding must clearly contribute to one of the Global EbA Fund Strategic Objectives as well as fall under a maximum of two of the three action pillars. Projects must not focus primarily on field implementation in the scope of the proposal. Field interventions are allowed if clearly justified.
Our Strategic Objectives:
- Awareness building, expanding knowledge, enhancing institutional capacities for mainstreaming EbA
- Address planning and other governance gaps in policy and regulatory environments
- Expand access to sustainable short- and long-term finance mechanisms for applying and scaling up ecosystem-based approaches
Action Pillars:
Levers for catalytic change
- Policy and policy instruments
- Education and capacity building
- Working through the value chain perspective
- Financing
Functional Data and Science
- Future scenario modelling
- Traditional knowledge and technologies
- Climate risk and vulnerability assessments
Innovation for adaption
- Developing unconventional partnerships
- Support the integration of EbA in novel sectors
- Development of an innovative tool for EbA implementation
The Global EbA Fund has two funding tracks:
- a general track for EbA project proposals - Catalytic and innovative projects that support the creation of an enabling environment for mainstreaming EbA.
- a thematic track - Catalytic and innovative projects that support the creation of an enabling environment for mainstreaming EbA in within a specific thematic context.
Application process is the same for both tracks.
Only project concepts that meet the following criteria will be considered for review:
- Does my project qualify as “Ecosystem-based Adaptation “(Please ensure your project ultimately aligns with EbA Qualification Criteria & Quality Standards).
- Does my project have catalytic and innovative potential to create enabling environments for EbA?
- Does my project clearly identify the climate impacts it is aiming to address and clearly describe how they will be addressed?
- Does my project fall under a maximum of 1 Strategic Objective and a maximum of 2 Action Pillars of the Global EbA Fund?
- Is my project Global, Thematic, or otherwise target only ODA-eligible countries?
- Is my project between USD $50,000 and USD $250,000? If it is up to USD $500,000, can I provide adequate justification?
- Is my project 24 months or less? If my project is between 24 and 36 months, can I provide adequate justification?
- Does my project add value to or upscale existing work?
- Does my project clearly demonstrate how results will be maintained and developed after the funding period?
- Does my project partner with local institutions or organisations?
- Are the lead applicant and partner organisations well-grounded in the proposed area(s) of work, have previous similar experience, and are inclusive of local communities, Indigenous Knowledge, and gender perspectives?
- Are the lead applicant and partner organisations legally recognised entities?
- Does the lead applicant comply with the Due Diligence requirements of the Global EbA Fund?
How to Apply
For more information please check the Link
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