EOI - Evaluating Social Science Research Systems

EOI - Evaluating Social Science Research Systems

Organization: Global Development Network (GDN)

Apply By: 19 Jul 2024

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About the Organization

The Global Development Network (GDN) is a public international organization that supports high quality, policy-oriented, social science research in Low- and Middle- Income Countries, to promote better lives. We help connect researchers and research institutions to financial resources, global networking, research management support, access to information, training, peer review and mentoring. Founded in 1999, GDN is currently headquartered in New Delhi, with a presence in Clermont-Ferrand, France and the United States.

About the Proposal

The Global Development Network (GDN) welcomes applications from research teams based in Asia to act as Doing Research national correspondents. GDN will review applications on a rolling basis from mid-2024.

All Asian countries are welcome to apply, particularly teams from countries represented in the Association of Asian Social Science Research Councils (AASSREC).

Specific attention will be given to applications from teams based in Cambodia, Laos and India interested in leading a DR Assessment in the country, starting in October 2024. For India, the implementation will be done in partnership with the Indian Council for Social Science Research (ICSSR).

The three DRAs in Cambodia, Laos and India are implemented as part of the program: Boosting Social Sciences and their Contribution to Better Lives in the Indo-Pacific, a joint effort by AASSREC and GDN, in partnership with UNESCO and supported by Canada's IDRC.

GDN also welcomes expressions of interest from national foundations, research granting councils, national ministries, or other national and international funders, interested in funding or co-funding DR Assessments in their own country or in their country of operation. GDN is constantly seeking financial support from domestic and international partners to include new countries in the initiative, and expand the global evidence base on the state of research systems.

GDN'S Doing Research Program:

Founded in 1999, the Global Development Network (GDN) is a public international organization that supports high-quality, action-oriented social science research in developing and transition countries, with the aim of promoting better living conditions. Doing Research is a GDN flagship program that aims to understand, map and evaluate social science research systems, with a view to identifying and analyzing structural barriers to research in developing countries. As part of this program, GDN also aims to promote the role of women and young people in research. Thanks to their association with the Doing Research program, research teams from the countries concerned (national focal points) are encouraged to publish their results in international journals. Their institutions are destined to become reference points for research, political reflection and public debate on the national research system, its regulation and its contribution to development. GDN has consolidated a methodology for Doing Research Assessments (DRA) and ensures that the results are relevant, usable and comparable for national and international decision-makers.

Your Main Tasks:

The national research teams recruited by GDN will act as national correspondents for the Doing Research program. These teams will be responsible for implementing the Doing Research Assessments (DRA) in their country of operation. GDN expects the national teams to adapt the DRA methodology to the local context. The main output of the DRAs will be the production of an official report on the national social science research system.

Under the Doing Research program, the involvement of national correspondents can be broken down into three phases, taking a total of 15 months:

i. Adaptation:

  • Document review of the Doing Research program and critical analysis of the DRA methodology.
  • Literature review of research and policy literature on the national social science research system, with particular emphasis on literature dealing with context and actors.
  • Kick-off meeting with GDN.

ii. Data Collection and Analysis:

  • Step 1: Adaptation of the DRA methodology to the local context (qualitative examination of economic, political and historical contextual elements - national and international; identification of key stakeholders and data sources).
  • Stage 2: Data collection with stakeholder mapping; primary data collection through surveys and interviews; secondary data collection, including national and international data sources.
  • Stage 3: Qualitative and quantitative analysis of the determinants of research system performance and production of a country-specific Doing Research report.

iii. Dissemination:

  • Proactive approach through interventions in physical and online events.
  • Production of dissemination means (videos, infographics, briefing notes, etc.).
  • Organization of a high-level national dissemination event with key stakeholders.


Research teams must apply through a research institute or center. Application documents must be written in English. We strongly encourage gender-balanced and female-led teams to apply. The ideal team is multidisciplinary, with advanced and proven capabilities in qualitative and quantitative research. Research teams should be able to demonstrate the following competencies:

  • Experience in analyzing organizational and institutional processes in the research, higher education, knowledge or innovation sectors.
  • Experience in data collection and processing (sampling, interviews, questionnaires).
  • Network already set up with the political, academic and civil society communities at national level.
  • Experience in communicating research to a variety of audiences and in data visualization.

These criteria apply to the team as a whole, not to individual members. These experiences must be demonstrated by examples of projects, jobs and/or research publications.

How to Apply

GDN invites teams to submit their expressions of interest as soon as possible. Interested research teams should send the following documents to Daniel Fussy at dfussy@gdn.int and copied to doingresearch@gdn.int

  • Expression of interest document following the attached template: this document must be no longer than five pages.
  • Letter of support from the head of the applicant institute (model attached).
  • CVs of team members.

Applications will be reviewed shortly after receipt by GDN’s Doing Research team. When sending your application, please specify in the body of the email if you already have cofunding to carry out similar studies. The application deadline is July 19, 2024. After this date, if you wish to be kept informed of any new calls for expressions of interest, please consult http://www.gdn.int/doingresearch/about or write to doingresearch@gdn.int .

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