RFP - Interim Project Assessment of the 1000 Days and CMAM Project, along with the Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) component in Dharni

RFP - Interim Project Assessment of the 1000 Days and CMAM Project, along with the Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) component in Dharni

Organization: Action Against Hunger

Apply By: 25 Nov 2024

Designing, executing and report generation for Interim Assessment of 1000 days and CMAM Project along with FSL component (Food Security and Livelihoods) and Pisciculture done in Dharni (Maharashtra)
Action Against Hunger Foundation is an Indian not-for-profit, exclusively committed to eradicating childundernutrition, through a three-pronged approach of raising awareness, implementing direction intervention projects invulnerable geographies and conducting research to understand the underlying causes of malnutrition and has touched over 7 lakh lives in the past five years. It is a member of a leading global network working in more than 50+ countries and supporting around 20 million people.
Interim Project Assessment of the 1000 Days and CMAM Project, along with the Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL) component in Dharni
39 villages of Dharni
Objectives of theInterim Project Assessment Study
  • Assess the effectiveness of the 1000 Days and CMAM project in addressing the specific nutritional needs of the target population, especially children under five and pregnant/lactating women
  • Analyze the coherence of the CMAM and FSL interventions with other local and regional nutrition, health, and livelihood programs in Dharni.
  • Measure the extent to which project objectives are being met in terms of outcomes
  • Evaluate the alignment of the FSL interventions with the community’s food security challenges and livelihood needs especially for families of MAM/SAM children
  • To understand the impact and effectiveness of the program interventions in reduction of malnutrition
Contact Information:
Mr. Pritam Bhattacharyya

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