Research Associate

Research Associate

Organization: ICAR-National Research Centre on Equines

Apply By: 19 Feb 2025

Location: (Haryana)

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About the Organization

National Research Centre on Equines is a premier institute established under the aegis of Indian Council of Agricultural Research for conducting research on equine health and production.

The importance of equines in India is well known. India possesses 1.17 million equines. Major population of equidae comprising donkeys, mules and ponies that provide livelihood to the rural societies living in arid, semi-arid and hilly regions, specially in the foot hills of Himalayas, through transport and draught where as remaining small population of equines is used in army, police, border security force, racing industry and sports.

Education Qualifications/Required Skills & Experience

  • With Doctoral Degree: Ph.D. in the relevant subject viz. Biotechnology, Pathology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Immunology, or subjects linked to Life Sciences.


  • With Master's Degree holders:  Master's Degree in the relevant subject viz. B iotechnology, Pathology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology. Immunology, or subjects linked to Life Sciences with 4/5 years of Bachelor's degree having Ist division or 60Yo marks or equivalent overall grade point average, with at least three years ofresearch experience as evidenced from Fellowship/Associate ship/Training/other engagements as circulated vide F.No 2-912012-HRD dated 25.04.2014 and one research paper in Science Citation Index (SCINAAS rated - 4.0) Journal as per OM SR/S9/Z-0912018 of DST dated 30.01.2019

Desirable qualification:

  • Candidates demonstrating experience in the field of cloning/protein expression, knowledge in the area of biotechnology, virology and usage of immunological techniques, handling of laboratory animals will be preferred.


Monthly emoluments : Rs.61,000/-+ HRA (for Master's Degree holders) & Rs. 67,0001- per month + HRA (for Ph.D)

How to apply

For more information please check the Link




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