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Applications Invited for IIFM MBA Program (2025-27 Batch)

Institute Name: Indian Institute of Forest Management
Apply By: 15 Jan 2025
About the Organization
IFM was established as an autonomous institution under the Ministry of Agriculture in 1982 and later brought under the Ministry of Environment and Forest, Government of India. Since then, the Institute has developed itself as an educational, training, research and consultancy organization in the domain of environment and sustainability
Vision and Mission
The Institute, being sectoral in nature, imparts education in Forest Management, which is a judicious mix of Forestry, Environment, Social and Management sciences. It constantly endeavours to identify the problems of the community, especially the forest dwellers through need-based research and serves as a reservoir of knowledge in the area of forest management to catalyze integration of modern scientific and indigenous knowledge, suitable to the Indian context.
About the Program
MBA (Forestry Management) - earlier PGDFM (Post Graduate Diploma in Forestry Management)- is one of its kind in this part of the world that prepares professionals for sustainable management of natural resources. The programme integrates application of management concepts, theoretical frameworks, techniques and tools for sustainable management of natural resources for conservation, ecological balance, and development.
The MBA (Forestry Management) is a fully residential two-year Post Graduate level programme. The programme focusses in the first year on core management education related to developmental, social, environmental and forestry concerns. Emphasis is also given in the programme on core skills and concepts in all the classroom terms of first year and in term four of the second year. The students can choose five credit elective courses each in term four and five, based on the interest of students where students want to concentrate and specialize. In addition to the classroom courses, one summer internship, one project work and one field work components are also included in the curriculum for experimental learning. The programme focusses on open learning through new elective courses added in the curriculum as per requirements.
MBA (Sustainability Management) - earlier PGDSM (Post Graduate Diploma in Sustainability Management) is another unique programme launched in 2019. The programme aims to prepare professionals with a blend of managerial, technical, analytical and social skills as well as values to address emerging sustainability issues and challenges in the context of business.
The programme structure of five terms of classroom learning, fieldwork, summer-internship and industrial project enables the participants to learn the theoretical concepts and build skills in application through immersive experience in real life situations as to how sustainability can be imbibed into the DNA of business strategy.
The first two batches of MBA (Sustainability Management) earlier PGDSM graduates have been recruited by organisations such as PWC, Ernst & Young, KPMG, Arabesque, Vedanta Resources Limited, Wipro Ltd, Infosys, HDFC Bank, Adani Transmission Limited, Adani Renewables, Hindalco, Technogreen environmental services and others.
MBA (Sustainable Development) is another unique programme will be launched from 2025-26 Session. The programme aims at developing multi-disciplinary approach to sustainable development and encourage inquiry into its historical, cultural, political, institutional, and gender dimensions to prepare professionals with a blend of managerial, technical, analytical and social skills as well as values to address emerging sustainability issues and challenges in the context of business.
The MBA (Sustainability Development) is a fully residential two-year Post Graduate level programme. The programme focusses in the first year on core management education related to developmental, social, environmental and sustainability concerns. Emphasis will be on core skills and concepts in all the classroom terms of first year and in term four of the second year. The students can choose five credit elective courses each in term four and five, based on the interest of students where students want to concentrate and specialize. In addition to the classroom courses, one summer internship, one project work and one field work components are also included in the curriculum for experimental learning. The programme focusses on open learning through elective courses in the curriculum as per requirements.
MBA (Development and Sustainable Finance) is another unique programme will be launched from 2025-26 Session. The programme aims at developing competencies among financial professionals in designing financial instruments that create stakeholder value and thus help achieve SDGs.
Sustainable finance is an emerging concept that encompasses environmental finance, social finance and corporate governance aspects in investments and lending decisions in the context of achieving sustainable development goals and the Paris climate change agreement.
The underlying principle of Sustainable Finance rests on the principle of internalizing the environmental and social externalities into investment and the lending decisions. Alternatively, the broad goal of sustainable finance is to maximize the stakeholder value rather than only shareholder value.
- A candidate must hold a bachelor’s degree in any discipline with at least 50% marks or equivalent CGPA (45% in case of candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste (SC), Scheduled Tribe (ST) and Differently Abled (DA) (it may also be referred to as Persons With Disability (PWD) categories), awarded by any of the universities incorporated by an act of the central or state legislature in India or other educational institutions established by an act of Parliament or declared to be deemed as a university under Section 3 of the UGC Act. 1956, or possess an equivalent qualification recognized by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India.
- Candidates appearing for the final year of bachelor’s degree/equivalent qualification examination and those who have completed degree requirements and are awaiting results can also apply. If selected, such candidates will be allowed to join the programme provisionally, only if he/she submits a certificate latest by June 30, 2025 from the Principal/Registrar of his/her College/Institute (issued on or before June 30, 2025) stating that the candidate has completed all the requirements for obtaining the bachelor’s degree/ equivalent qualification on the date of the issue of the certificate.
How to Apply
Apply and appear for any if the entrance exam CAT 2024/ XAT 2025/MAT 2024/MAT (FEB) 2025/CMAT 2024/GMAT 2024. IIFM will use CAT/XAT/MAT/CMAT/GMAT score for short-listing the candidates. CMAT 2025 (January) scores will also be accepted for MBA admissions of 2025-2027 batch
Apply to IIFM Online through admission and remit the fee through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking. • Application fee Rs. 1500/- for GEN/NC-OBC/DA/ EWS category and Rs. 750/- for SC/ST. • Last date for receipt of application has been extended upto 15th January 2025.
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