Call for Papers - International Conference on Appropriate Teaching Methodologies in Interdisciplinary Contexts: Mapping Sociolinguistic Diversity

Call for Papers - International Conference on Appropriate Teaching Methodologies in Interdisciplinary Contexts: Mapping Sociolinguistic Diversity

Organization Name: Aligarh Muslim University (AMU)

Apply By: 01 May 2024

Location: Aligarh

Presentation Date: 14 May. 2024 - 16 May. 2024

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About the Organization

Spread over 467.6 hectares in the city of Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, Aligarh Muslim University occupies a unique position amongst universities and institutions of higher learning in the country. It was established in 1920 and evolved out of the Mohammedan Anglo-Oriental (MAO ) which was set up on 7 January 1877 by the great visionary and social reformer, Sir Syed Ahmad khan. From its very inception, it has kept its door open to the members of all communities and from all corners of the country and the world. The Aligarh Muslim University is the realization of a vision which was broad, farreaching and realistic. The University offers more than 300 courses in the traditional and modern branches of education. It draws students from all states in India and from different countries, especially Africa, West Asia and Southeast Asia. In some courses, seats are reserved for students from SAARC and Commonwealth Countries. The University is open to all irrespective of caste, creed, religion or gender. It ranks 8th among the top 20 research universities in India. It has more than 37327, students, 1,686 teachers and some 5,610 non-teaching staff on its rolls. The University now has 13 faculties comprising 117 teaching departments, 3 academies and 21 centres and institutes. A special feature of the University is its residential character with most of the staff and students residing on the campus. There are 19 halls of residence for students with 80 hostels. The University also maintains one primary, seven High schools (including one for the Visually Challenged), and two Senior Secondary schools for boys and girls. The University also offers courses in Indian, Oriental and Western Languages. The medium of instruction in the University is primarily English.

About the Conference

The Department of English, Aligarh Muslim University is organizing a three-day international conference on “Appropriate Teaching Methodologies in Interdisciplinary Contexts: Mapping Sociolinguistic Diversity”, in hybrid mode, on May 14-16, 2024.

Conference Convener, Prof. Raashid Nehal, informed that the conference is interdisciplinary, and scholars, policymakers and faculty, working at different levels right from school to university level, are welcome to participate in the event on various themes as spelt out in the concept paper, along with other details, available on https://www.amu.ac.in/department/english/seminar-conference-workshop.

He said that the conference aims to highlight the challenges faced by ESL and content subject learners in the current education system. The conference aspires to encourage various stakeholders to rethink Appropriate Methodology, not simply in terms of best practices but also by taking into account the dynamics of diversity education based on equitable opportunities.

Theme of the Conference:

Teaching methodologies and methods have a significant impact on the learning outcomes of students. The current language learning theories, formulated within the monolingual context of English as a Native /Second/Foreign Language lack adequate consideration for diversity language education and sociolinguistic dimensions related to digital-divide, resources & infrastructure, access, classroom size, bi-literacy, bilingualism, multilingualism, rural-urban divide, teacher-student ratio, medium of instruction, among others. The present conference aims to highlight these challenges faced by ESL and content subject learners in the current educational system. The intricate sociolinguistic dynamics that exist within classroom interactions are influenced not only by pedagogic variables but also by broader social and cultural aspects that are ingrained in institutional and environmental settings. This conference aspires to encourage various stakeholders to rethink Appropriate Methodology, not simply in terms of best practices but also by taking into account the dynamics of diversity education based on equitable opportunities. Some of the primary questions that immediately crop up here are: Can appropriate teaching methodology provide greater access to equitable opportunity of learning? If yes, how can we make such teaching practices socially relevant and inclusive? How can these practices prompt cross-cultural communication in a multicultural setting? Also, how can the class be shaped as learner-centred to cater to the diverse communicative needs beyond the classroom? The objectives of the conference would be twofold: firstly, it would aim to focus on developing critical thinking skills and promote cultural exchange by setting a discourse around it and refocusing our attention towards inclusivity, sustainability and social justice. Secondly, it would try to put forth recommendations to various stakeholders-policy makers, textbook writers, material designers administrators, educators to incorporate necessary methodological changes that would help bridge learning gaps taking into consideration the multiplicity and complexity of classroom interaction and methodology of content subjects as well. The conference seeks to rethink how English can be taught in diverse ESL settings, encompassing socially, linguistically, and economically disadvantaged populations against the backdrop of learning crisises and overdetermined contexts.

How to Apply

  • Abstract should be sent on ic.appmethodologyamueng24@gmail.com
  • Abstracts should be between 200-250 words in length (including refrences)
  • All abstracts are to be submitted in MS-Word, using Times New Roman, 12 and 1.5 spacing
  • Presenter’s name, affiliation and email address are to be included in the abstract
  • Each author can submit a maximum of one proposal as the first author
  • In case of multiple authors, each author must register separately
  • All abstracts and papers to be submitted in APA Style Sheet
  • All abstracts will be peer reviewed

Participants are required to indicate the category of registration and the serial number of the theme. Once the abstract has been accepted, a Google form will be sent through the conference email for payment and registration purpose.

For queries, please write to ic.appmethodologyamueng24@gmail.com

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