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Ecological monitoring for development interventions

Organization: Azim Premji University
Apply By: 15 Aug 2024
Free/Paid: Paid (INR 3250)
Ecological monitoring for development interventions
This four-day residential workshop will introduce participants to simple, low-cost techniques that can be used for ecological monitoring and discuss how they can be used to inform development interventions at the local level.
Many development projects are influenced by the ecological setting in which they are implemented or the natural resources they draw on. For instance, the right to water is not only about assured access to a certain volume of water but it also includes the idea of safe water i.e. water of a quality that is fit for human use and consumption. In other words, the quality and health of ecological resources are as important as access and control of the resources. However, resources such as the weather, soil, water and vegetation are often taken for granted in the framing and monitoring of development projects. Instead, development professionals need to take an adaptive approach and fine-tune their interventions according to the ecological settings in which they work.
Therefore, this 4‑day residential workshop aims to bridge the knowledge and skill gap in ground-level assessment and monitoring of ecological parameters of natural resources.
The workshop will provide a foundational understanding of how to identify the ecological settings in which your project is located, as well as how to monitor certain key variables and use this information to tweak a project. In other words, this workshop will enable participants to integrate ecological considerations into the design and implementation of their development projects. It will focus on simple, low-cost field and lab techniques that can be used for ecological monitoring and the scope for community participation in these activities.
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