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Applications Invited for Play for Nature Third Call for Proposals

Organization: Play for Nature
Apply By: 31 Mar 2025
Grant Amount: 5000 Euro
About the Organization
Play for Nature was founded in 2013 and is recognized as a public benefit and humanitarian organization. Member of the IUCN (International Union for Conservation of Nature), it is involved in the preservation of endangered species and their ecosystems in France and around the world.
About the Grant
Every year, we provide technical and financial support to associations that carry out biodiversity conservation projects on the four continents.
These projects can take different forms but must always keep in their center the biodiversity conservation objective as well as the awareness of the local populations concerned by the project.
We fund two types of projects:
- Biodiversity conservation projects such as fauna and flora monitoring, scientific studies, reintroductions of individuals… with a share of awareness through information meetings, campaigns and education programs in schools.
- Biodiversity conservation projects using sport and the organization of sporting events as a tool to raise awareness of populations and vector of key messages for biodiversity conservation.
The third call for proposals in partnership with APRC Mécénat, dedicated to biodiversity conservation project using sports as a tool to raise awareness is open between February 1st and March 31th 2025.
APRC Mécénat, founded in 2022, aims to support organisations to fight against poverty, climate change and help protect the biodiversity.
The call for proposals Sport and Conservation launched by Play for Nature in partnership with APRC Mécénat aims to help biodiversity conservation organisations which want to use sport as a tool to raise awareness among local populations about biodiversity conservation. This financial help will be of 5 grants of 5 000€ each for the 5 winners.
The call for proposals is open to every NGO, even the one who received a grant from Play for Nature in the past. The selection of the projects will be common between Play for Nature and APRC, so even if you already submit a project, fill the form as if no one as ever heard of it.
Eligible projects:
The projects submitted must include sport in a bigger global project of biodiversity conservation with, among other things, awareness-raising and educational actions for the local citizens and authorities. These projects can be:
- The organisation of already existent or new sporting events by the CSO applicant
- A partnership between the applicant and another sporting association in favour of one of the applicant project of biodiversity conservation.
These projects must be thought out in order to raise awareness among a maximum of people about endangered species and ecosystems protection, sustainable uses of the natural resources. Thus, the actions can concern directly the sporting event participants but also the schoolchildren, citizens and local authorities in the geographical area concerned by the project. Applicants can submit annual or multi-annual events, in that case, the multi-annual events will be considered as a unique project.
Non-eligibility criteria:
Play for Nature will not fund:
- Sporting project which do not have a clear biodiversity conservation and/or awareness-raising objective
- Operating costs and business-as-usual activities
How to Apply
If you want to submit a proposal, you will find the form under this link: submit a proposal
Play for Nature launch its call for proposals every summer. The future call for proposals will be open in June 2025.
If you have any questions when filling in the form, please write to us at:
For more information please check the Link
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