Applications Invited for the CrossCulture Programme (CCP) Fellowships

Applications Invited for the CrossCulture Programme (CCP) Fellowships

Organization: Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen (ifa)

Apply By: 05 Dec 2024

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About the Organization

For a world where everyone can contribute to the peaceful coexistence of cultures. ifa – Institut für Auslandsbeziehungen works with partners worldwide to promote freedom in the arts, research and civil society by bringing people together who are committed to an open society. To facilitate this exchange, we are committed to generating analogue and digital spaces for people to network, negotiate and co-create. We give a voice to activists, artists and scientists, promote their collaboration and work closely with European partners to pursue our goals. Based on our core competencies in art, research and civil society, we build and foster networks to achieve a lasting impact.

ifa is supported by the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany, the state of Baden-Württemberg and its capital Stuttgart.

About the Fellowship

The CrossCulture Programme (CCP) funds 55 to 60 professionals and dedicated volunteers from over 40 countries with its CCP Fellowships. Fellows spend two to three months working with host organisations in Germany or CCP partner countries to broaden their expertise, build valuable networks and further develop their intercultural skills. In return, the host organisations benefit from the expertise, regional knowledge and networks of the CCP Fellows.

Participants have the opportunity to take part in cross-cultural workshops, networking events and professional meetings organised by the CCP. The experience gained abroad will be integrated into the work of the Fellows' home organisations upon their return.

The CCP Fellowships for 2025 will be offered as on-site Fellowships. Depending on individual circumstances and applicable travel regulations, Fellows may also opt for digital participation. The programme is subject to funding by the German Federal Foreign Office.

The aim of the CCP Fellowship is to support and strengthen civil society actors in their commitment. This includes the following:

  • Collaboration with a host organisation from the CCP network
  • Mentoring for the duration of the Fellowship
  • Professional development opportunities (online or on-site) in the Fellows' field of work
  • Networking with other CCP Fellowship holders
  • Inclusion in the CCP alumni network
  • For Fellowship holders focussing on one of the CCP’s 2025 key topics: participation in an additional event

How to Apply

  • Select the appropriate country call for applications on this application portal.
  • Complete the application: fill in the application form and upload all required documents. Please note that the system does not allow you to save drafts, so make sure that all your documents are ready for uploading before starting your application.
  • Submit your completed application online via the application portal.

The following application documents are required:

  • Curriculum vitae in English with details about education/training, work experience, volunteering and other skills
  • Letter of recommendation from a supervisor in the applicant’s home organisation/workplace in the applicant’s country of origin, using this template
  • Photo is optional

The application period for 2025 will be between 15 October and 5 December 2024.

For more information please check the Link


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