Inviting ideas from NGOs or Start-ups in Green-tech, Renewable Energy, Clean-tech & Circular Economy.

Inviting ideas from NGOs or Start-ups in Green-tech, Renewable Energy, Clean-tech & Circular Economy.

Organization: Go Green with Taiwan

Event Duration: 31 Jul. 2024 - 31 Aug. 2024

Apply By: 31 Aug 2024

This campaign seeks proposals that focus on using Taiwan's green products and solutions, or on fostering technological cooperation to achieve environmental and economic sustainability.


  • The proposer must be a member of a company, legal entity, or non-legal entity group. Legal entities or non-legal entity groups may include research institutions, non-governmental organizations, public associations, universities, etc.
  • The proposer shall provide supporting documents of the company, legal entity, or non-legal entity (such as a website URL, screenshots of webpage content, articles of association, registration, certificates or approval letters of the company or legal entity, etc.).
  • The proposer shall provide supporting documents of his/her identity and relationship with the legal entity or non-legal entity (such as an employee business card, employee ID, or student ID). If a proposer is a minor under the law of his/her country, a letter of consent shall be submitted by his/her parent or legal guardian before the proposal enters the semi-finals stage.


6 finalists also get a free round-trip to Taiwan with economy class airfare, accommodations for the designated tour, travel expenses, miscellaneous meals, etc

Selection Criteria:

  • Proposers will have to go through a qualification review, and their proposals will be reviewed by experts in the preliminary selection, semi-finals, and final competition process. 
  • Proposals will be evaluated for excellence in four categories, including (1) environmental and economic sustainability (25%); (2) feasibility (25%); (3) innovation (25%); and (4) connection of products or solutions from Taiwanese enterprises (25%).

Deadline for Submission

August 31, 2024

Go Green with Taiwan is also organizing a webinar to guide potential applicants on the rules & process. 

Here is the webinar registration link: bit.ly/4bYyvPx 

For more information and application process, click here





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