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Application Invited for Through our Featured Grants Program

Organization: Together Women Rise
Apply By: 06 Jun 2025
Grant Amount: 35000 USD
About the Organization
Together Women Rise is a powerful community of women and allies dedicated to achieving global gender equality. We have hundreds of local chapters across the U.S. where members learn about and advocate for gender equality issues, give grants to organizations that empower women and girls in low-income countries, and build community to forge meaningful connections that increase our strength and collective impact.
About the Grant
Through our Featured Grants Program, Together Women Rise provides funding to organizations that empower and support women and girls in low-income and marginalized communities in the Global South. We feature a different organization/project each month, providing extensive learning materials on the project and the issue being addressed, and promoting it through our nationwide chapters, website, newsletters, and social media. Grantees are assigned to be featured in a specific month based on an issue area and geography.
- We support capacity building, new programs, or expansion of existing programs.
- We award at least 12 Featured Grants per calendar year.
- Featured Grant term is 24 months (2 years).
- Featured Grant size is $35,000 to $50,000 paid over a two-year period.
- Only organizations with budgets of $100,000 and above may apply.
- Only organizations with operating budgets between $100,000 and $1 million can apply for capacity building grants. These grants can span all operational aspects (e.g., technology, strategic planning, monitoring and evaluation, staff training), with restrictions that apply to all featured grants.
- Organizations may receive no more than one Featured Grant per four-year period.
- Applicant must be a US 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization or have a fiscal sponsor which is a US 501(c)3 corporation. We do not accept registration documents issued by any other country. A fiscal sponsor is a US non-profit organization that provides fiduciary oversight, financial management, and other administrative services to help build the capacity of charitable organizations that do not have a US 501(c)(3) designation. An applicant that does not have a US 501(c)(3) designation can submit an application to Together Women Rise with a fiscal sponsor if they have a verifiable present relationship with that fiscal sponsor that has been in existence for the past 12 months.
- Applicant must have a minimum of $100,000 operating expenses annually for the most recent fiscal year.
- Applicant must demonstrate capacity and on-the-ground operations in low-income communities in the Global South for a minimum of three years.
- Applicant must provide data regarding the direct impact of the organization’s program(s) that the grant would support.
- Women must make up the majority of the leadership of your organization (i.e. board of directors and staff) at the time of application.
- Applicant must demonstrate fiscally responsible and sustainable practices within their organization.
- Applicant must have a website in English, unless using a fiscal sponsor.
- Applicant must submit all information requested on the grant application in English.
- Applicant must provide additional information as deemed necessary for Together Women Rise to make the grant decision.
- Applicant has not received a Together Women Rise grant within the past four years.
- If the applicant has previously received a Rise grantee, it must have satisfied ALL of Rise’s reporting requirements for that past grant.
- Applicants must adhere to Together Women Rise’s Religion Policy. Click HERE to review the full policy.
How to Apply
Our next grant cycle will open May 6, 2025 at 9 a.m. EST and close June 6, 2025 at 11:59 pm ET for Featured Grants to be awarded in 2026.
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