Applications Invited for FY 2025 Request for Concept Notes for Global Innovation Programs to Address Gender-based Violence for Conflict Affected People

Applications Invited for FY 2025 Request for Concept Notes for Global Innovation Programs to Address Gender-based Violence for Conflict Affected People

Organization: U.S.Department of State, Bureau of Population Refugees and Migration

Apply By: 18 Feb 2025

Grant Amount: 750000 USD

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About the Organization

The Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) is the humanitarian bureau of the State Department. PRM promotes U.S. interests by providing protection, easing suffering, and resolving the plight of persecuted and forcibly displaced people around the world. We do this by coordinating humanitarian policy and diplomacy, providing life-sustaining assistance, working with multilateral organizations to build global partnerships, and promoting best practices in humanitarian response.

About the Grant

This announcement invites submissions for innovation in preventing and responding to gender-based violence (GBV). PRM seeks concept notes that advance GBV programs and practices in the field, focusing on global initiatives that improve the quality and accessibility of services for women, girls, and GBV survivors. PRM will prioritize submissions that:

  • Contribute to a broader evidence-base.
  • Build on current standards to document good practices for the wider humanitarian community.
  • Promote inter-agency and inter-sectoral leadership.
  • Improve coordination at global and field levels.

Applicants should refer to the IASC’s Guidelines for Gender-based Violence Interventions for Humanitarian Settings and the Inter-Agency Minimum Standards for Gender-Based Violence in Emergencies Programming, as applicable.

Due to PRM's mandate to protect, assist, and find sustainable solutions for refugees and conflict victims, PRM will only fund those projects where at least 50 percent of the participants are refugees (including country case studies). Single-country GBV service provision concept notes will not be considered.

Organizations can apply as consortia. For this notice, PRM defines consortia as a group of at least three organizations that form an agreement to undertake an assistance activity beyond the resources of any one member.

Program Description:

Funding comes from the Migration and Refugee Assistance (MRA) account to carry out section 2(b)(2) of the Migration and Refugee Assistance Act (MRAA) of 1962.

Substantial Involvement -  

The Department of State will be substantially involved in carrying out aspects of this cooperative agreement. Recipients should anticipate that PRM will undertake the following list of non-exhaustive activities:

  • Provide overall policy guidance and program direction.
  • Review and comment on proposed budgets, proposed changes or revisions to the project.
  • Periodically monitor and evaluate the performance of the proposed project, including review of required program and financial reporting documents.

Populations -

Due to PRM's mandate to provide protection, assistance, and sustainable solutions for refugees and conflict victims, PRM will only consider concept notes that target at least 50 percent of their participants as refugees.

Program area (For PRM Use) -

Proposed program concept notes must align with one or more of the following program areas.

  • Humanitarian Protection and Assistance

Program Sectors and Modalities -

Concept notes must focus on the following programmatic sectors (see PRM’s General NGO Guidelines for sector descriptions):

  • Protection: GBV
  • PRM-1. Number of individuals directly reached through PRM funding.
  • PRM-2. Amount of humanitarian funding distributed to local, national, or refugee-led organizations (in USD) – This amount should include any sub awards or contracts with local, national, stateless-led, or refugee-led organizations. If the prime applicant is a local, national, stateless-led, or refugee-led organization, they should use the full proposal budget total as the target value. Refer to the Inter-Agency Standing Committee (IASC) working definition of “local” and “national” organizations. If this indicator does not apply to you, set the target to zero; it will not affect your eligibility.
  • PRM-3. Percentage of participants who report that humanitarian assistance is delivered in a safe, accessible, accountable, and participatory manner – The Directorate General for European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid Operations (ECHO) developed this protection mainstreaming indicator, and the Grand Bargain adopted it. Research or coordination awards that don’t involve community implementation are exempt from this indicator. Refer to the PRM Performance Indicator Reference & Definition Sheets (PIRS) for a sample questionnaire and analysis guidance.

Theme-specific Guidelines:

General Guidance: Concept notes for innovation in GBV prevention and response must be in line with the following themes:

  • Improving Service Provision through Innovation: Key actions would focus on strengthening GBV preparedness and response in humanitarian action or contributing to a global package of core GBV services. This includes specialized service provision and prevention using innovative practices. and/or
  • Research, Evaluation, and Uptake: Focus of research or evaluations that contribute to global learning and/or the development of tools, resources, or methodologies for emergency and/or protracted emergency responses. Concept notes should clearly show how research and evaluation will impact programming.

Duration of Activity: Program plans for one, two, or three years will be considered.

Period of Performance: Programs period of performance of 12, 24, or 36 months will be considered.

Funding limits: Proposed program concept notes must not be less than the funding floor and not more than the funding ceiling per year or they will be disqualified.

  • Funding floor per year (lowest $ value): $350,000 per year
  • Funding ceiling per year (highest $ value): $750,000 per year
  • Note: Funding ceilings and floors pertain to the PRM cost per year.


  • Nonprofits having a 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education (U.S.-based NGOs must be able to demonstrate proof of non-profit tax status).
  • Nonprofits without 501(c)(3) status with the IRS, other than institutions of higher education (overseas-based NGOs must be able to demonstrate proof of registration in country of domicile); and
  • International Organizations. International multilateral organizations, such as United Nations agencies, should not submit concept notes through Grants.gov in response to this Notice of Funding Opportunity. Multilateral organizations that are seeking funding for programs relevant to this announcement should contact the PRM Program Officer (as listed below) on or before the closing date of this announcement.
  • Public and State controlled institutions of higher education
  • Private institutions of higher education

How to Apply

Concept note application submission deadline: Tuesday, February 18, 2025 at 11:59:59 p.m. (23:59:59) EST.

All applicants must submit concept notes applications through the website Grants.gov.

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