Applications Invited for FutureWORKS Asia: Towards a sustainable and inclusive future of work in Asia

Applications Invited for FutureWORKS Asia: Towards a sustainable and inclusive future of work in Asia

Organization: LIRNEasia

Apply By: 19 Jul 2024

Grant Amount: 40000 USD

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About the Organization

Our mission: Catalyzing policy change and solutions through research to improve the lives of people in the Asia and Pacific using knowledge, information and technology.

Enormous amounts of money are invested annually in digital technology. The potential of digital technology for economic and social progress is substantial though they aren’t, in themselves, necessarily the answer to higher incomes and a better life. Combined with other factors, digital technology provides a means to improve people’s capabilities and knowledge so that they may better their lives.

The Asia Pacific is seen as driving the global economy, yet within it lies South Asia, home to the world’s largest concentration of poor people. Some of the world’s highest tech industry performers belong to the region, as well as some of the lowest.

Digital access and use in many developing countries is held back by laws and regulations. Existing policy and regulatory arrangements actively hinder people from using such technology to live their lives. New, low-cost technologies are very often restricted or exploited through these laws and regulations. LIRNEasia is working to change this situation.

About the Grant

There is a considerable amount of heterogeneity in the labour markets, institutions, and stages of development of the Asia Pacific region. The region is home to 60% of the world’s population, and over half of the world’s labour force.

Megratrends such as advancements in digital technology (particularly AI), climate change, the climate transition, as well as demographic shifts and globalization are reshaping job markets, disrupting traditional employment patterns, and exacerbating inequalities.

Technological changes, including automation, artificial intelligence, and the platformisation of work, are reshaping job markets by displacing some roles, creating others, and shifting skill demands, with disproportionate negative impacts on marginalized groups.     Climate change further compounds these challenges, affecting labour markets across various sectors and necessitating transitions to low-carbon economies. Demographic trends, including aging populations and high levels of migration, add additional complexities to labour market dynamics, placing strains on social protection systems and exacerbating gender disparities in unpaid care burdens. As Asia navigates these transformative forces, understanding the multifaceted nature of the future of work is crucial for informing policies and strategies that promote sustainability, inclusivity, and resilience across the region.

These disruptions pose significant risks, particularly for low- and lower-middle-income countries, which may be ill-equipped to navigate the emerging challenges. Vulnerable groups within these labour markets such was women, low-skilled workers, informal workers, among others are especially at risk of bearing the brunt of these changes, widening existing disparities.

FutureWORKS Asia is a collaborative initiative aimed at building a research network that explores and addresses the multifaceted and ever-changing dimensions of work in Asia. Led by LIRNEasia, the FutureWORKS Asia research hub brings together researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders to address the key challenges shaping the future of work in our region.

LIRNEasia, invites proposals for gender-responsive, policy-relevant applied research projects that contribute to a sustainable and inclusive future of work. This call is supported with funding from the International Development Research Centre (IDRC).

Successful grants will play a crucial role in informing policies, institutions, strategies, and interventions aimed at creating a sustainable and inclusive future of work in Asia.


Eligible applicants may include, research institutions, universities, think tanks, associations, civil society organizations, and non-profit organisations. Individuals are not eligible to apply.

How to Apply

Interested researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their proposals addressing one or more of the key themes outlined in the CFP. Proposals should demonstrate a clear understanding of the issues at hand, propose innovative methodologies, and outline potential policy implications. Full instructions on how to prepare your proposal are contained in the full CFP. The deadline for proposal submissions is 1800hrs IST, 19th July 2024.

Complete Call for Proposals: Call for proposals

For more information please check the Link

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