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Applications Invited for Garden Grants: Biotech in Greenhouse Gas Removal

Organization: Homeworld Collective
Apply By: 28 Feb 2025
Grant Amount: 50000 USD
About the Organization
Our climate problem has deep roots in biology. Growth of food, health of soil, and stability of ecosystems are all intrinsically biological. The fossil resources we use to make fuel, materials, and chemicals all originate from organisms. The flux of the carbon cycle is dominated by biological processes. And even the slow carbon cycle, which moves carbon from the atmosphere and oceans into rock on geologic timescales, is catalyzed by living things.
The mechanisms underlying those processes can be purposed toward a healthy planet and human way of life.
About the Grant
Homeworld Collective is funding ambitious, early-stage projects at the intersection of biotechnology and greenhouse gas removal.
For this cycle of Garden Grants, we aim to fund the de-risking work for ambitious ideas addressing important problems at the translational intersection of biotech and greenhouse gas removal. The proposed work should be the first step on a novel path, not an incremental next step on an existing path.
Grant Size
Grant amounts will range from $50k – $150k
Beyond fast funding, Garden Grants facilitates learning and collaboration by publicly sharing the problems that proposals address while protecting applicants’ novel ideas. Proposals have two parts:
- The Problem Statement describes the motivating factor, specific bottleneck, and actionable goals of the project. In the spirit of growing knowledge and community, problem statements are made public.
- The Solution Statement describes the the proposed work to address the Problem Statement. To protect applicants’ ideas, Solution Statements are kept confidential.
Who can apply
Anyone at a university or non-profit institution can apply: we encourage students and post-docs to be the lead applicants.
- We welcome applications from any country.
- There is no requisite credential or academic affiliation: all that matters is the quality of your idea, the clarity by which you describe your first efforts to bring it to life, and the evidence you provide for your ability succeed in your endeavor.
- Applications from companies such as startups will face significantly higher scrutiny and will require outputs that are for the public good, open access, etc, as grant funds must be used in accordance with our 501(c)3 mandate.
How to Apply
January 27, 2025 through February 28, 2025
For more information please check the Link
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