Applications Invited for Mental Health and Well Being of Young People

Applications Invited for Mental Health and Well Being of Young People

Organization: Being

Apply By: 08 Jan 2025

Grant Amount: 1500000 CAD

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About the Organization

Being envisions a world where young people feel well and thrive.

We work with young people to improve their mental health and wellbeing through research, innovation and ecosystem building, with a focus on prevention and promotion in 12 priority countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Vietnam.

Young people are at the core of our work. We aim to engage with them as partners in a collaborative, rights-based, participatory, and inclusive way and centre their voices and needs in everything we do.

About the Grant

Mental health challenges disproportionately affect the most marginalized members of society – people living in poverty, women and girls, refugees, young people, and those most at risk of violence and discrimination. While populations in low-and middle-income countries bear 82% of the global burden of mental ill-health,1,2 up to 90% of their mental health needs are not met due to a lack of resources and insufficient infrastructure.

The global mental health burden is magnified for youth living in low resource settings. The majority of mental health challenges – 75% – start before the age of 24.5 Poor mental health in youth negatively impacts the development of social connections, cultural belonging, and emotional wellbeing. It can also impact young people’s access to educational opportunities and economic resources. Many of these challenges can be addressed and supported if mental health conditions are identified and treated early. These impacts can be multiplied by working further upstream on prevention initiatives, enabling the mental health field to shift from a reactive to proactive approach.

There is an urgent need for youth-informed mental health approaches that shift from an individually focused and medicalized approach to one that addresses the social, cultural, and economic drivers that impact young people’s mental wellbeing. This will create enabling environments across sectors and supportive communities that cater to the needs of young people.

We are looking to fund bold prevention and promotion ideas that address the early drivers of mental health and wellbeing for the most underserved 10- to 24-year-olds. Being seeks to fund innovative solutions that meet the context-specific upstream drivers of young people’s mental health and wellbeing along with ecosystem-level efforts that address the broader systemic barriers that hinder sustainable implementation and broader integration of mental health and wellbeing promotion and prevention initiatives.

Being seeks culturally sensitive and community driven approaches that account for the complex social and environmental factors contributing to young people’s mental health and wellbeing. Importantly, these approaches must take a person centered, rights-based approach, and must involve young people and people with lived experience of mental health challenges from the outset.

Projects must be implemented in at least one of 12 priority countries: Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Vietnam, and should also align with specific thematic priorities identified through the locally-led landscape analyses and consultations in each of these countries.

Three types of funding opportunities are available: 1) Proof of Concept 2) Transition to Scale, and 3) Ecosystem Catalyst. Each funding opportunity has different scopes, funding amounts, timelines, and evaluation criteria. Please refer to sections 3-5 for specific information related to each funding opportunity. Being's intention behind the three different funding opportunities is for approved projects in each country to coordinate with one another to achieve a shared goal (i.e. strengthening the country's mental health landscape). Successful project teams will include individuals who understand the mental health needs of young people in priority countries. Eligible applicants include organizations (e.g. social enterprises, non-profit, for-profit, limited liability companies, research/academic institutions) that are formed, legally incorporated and can receive and administer funding.

Proposals should show evidence of meaningful involvement of young people and/or young people with lived experience of mental health challenges, in the design, testing and/or evaluation of the project.


All legally incorporated (or the equivalent) organizations based in any country can apply for funding through this RFP. Please note: Only organizations implementing their project in the 12 priority countries, Colombia, Ecuador, Ghana, India, Indonesia, Morocco, Pakistan, Romania, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, and Vietnam, will be considered. 

  • Preference will be given to eligible organizations based on the following order of criteria: 
  • Youth-led organizations (50% or more of staff in key leadership roles are youth aged 35 and under) based in one of 12 priority countries. 
  • Organizations based in one of Being’s 12 priority countries.  
  • Organizations based in any low- and middle-income country partnering with a local organization based in at least one of the 12 priority countries.
  • Other eligible organizations.

How to Apply

Applications for proof-of-concept and transition-to-scale funding opportunities will be accepted on a rolling basis. This means that applications are continually accepted and reviewed at specific intake periods until the total funding allocated for each opportunity has been awarded.

All applications will involve a two-stage application process:   

  • Completing a screening questionnaire and submitting a project summary (stage one); and   
  • Submitting a full project application (stage two). Only those applications that pass screening (stage one) will be invited to submit a full application (stage two). 

Please note: Applications will only be accepted through our online application form only accessible via Grand Challenges Canada’s Fluxx Portal https://gcc.fluxx.io.

Our current intake period is active from September 26, 2024 – January 15, 2025. The intake deadline determines when your application will be reviewed, approved or rejected and the start time of your project. You can still apply after an intake deadline; your application will be considered for the next intake period.

Deadline to register for Fluxx to submit applications for current intake: January 8, 2025, at 11:59 pm ET (3:59 a.m. GMT)

For more information please check the Link

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