Applications Invited for Small Grants to promote intersectional advocacy interventions in Asia and the Pacific

Applications Invited for Small Grants to promote intersectional advocacy interventions in Asia and the Pacific

Organization: Kaleidoscope Trust

Apply By: 21 Jul 2024

Grant Amount: 5000 Pound

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About the Organization

Kaleidoscope Trust is a UK-based international charity fighting for a future where LGBTI+ people everywhere can live free, safe and equal lives.

Established in 2011, Kaleidoscope Trust is a UK-based international charity fighting for a future where LGBTI+ people everywhere can live free, safe and equal lives.


Our vision is a free, safe and equal world for LGBTI+ people everywhere.

About the Grant

KT has secured funding from the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) for the implementation of the Respect, Mainstreaming and Realisation of LGBT+ Rights in the Commonwealth Programme (RMR). This multiyear (2022-2025) intervention aims to protect and promote intersectional LGBTI+ rights through supporting the enhanced capacities and intersectional advocacy efforts of Commonwealth LGBTI+ civil society in Asia and the Pacific. Through this programme, KT is providing Commonwealth LGBTI+ civil society organisations (CSO) and allied social justice movements with the technical and financial support they require to sustain and advance their work locally and regionally.

Under the RMR project, we are supporting a small grants scheme to support Commonwealth LGBTI+ civil society organisations in Asia and the Pacific regions to advance their human rights work through the implementation of intersectional advocacy interventions.

Budget and duration

Grants issued under this Call for Proposals will be available for £5,000–8,000 per grant per organisation. KT anticipates being able to award between 7–12 small grants depending on the amounts requested per application. Applicants are therefore encouraged to be realistic with their proposed activities and timelines and not automatically request the maximum amount.

These intersectional advocacy grants are intended to predominantly cover direct activity costs in initiatives focused on the advancement of the rights, equality and overall dignity of LGBTI+ people with intersecting identities, both locally and regionally. However, core costs, i.e., staff costs and other administrative costs, can be recovered up to 35% of total project costs.

Projects supported under this grant can begin anytime from 1 August 2024, but the funding provided through the sub-grants must be utilised before 31 March 2025. The final reports, both narrative and financial, will be due no later than 30 April 2025.


To be eligible for funding under this call, applicants must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Applications for funding must be submitted by an individual LGBTI+-led and/or -focused civil society organisation, alone or in partnership with an allied social justice organisation or group.
  • The organisation and/or allied group must be based and operating in a Commonwealth country in the Asia or the Pacific regions. Eligible Commonwealth countries in this region include: Bangladesh, Brunei Darussalam, Fiji, India, Kiribati, Malaysia, Maldives, Nauru, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Sri Lanka, Tonga, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.
  • Applications must clearly and concisely demonstrate how the proposed activities will contribute to advance or protect the rights of LGBTI+ people and communities, particularly those with intersecting identities, either locally or regionally.
  • Activities must be realistic and feasible within the given time frame, allowing for the proposed intervention to be completed before March 2025.
  • Applicants must be able to demonstrate experience and capacity delivering projects of a similar nature and/or size.
  • Applicants must successfully complete our due diligence process. Please note that while we accept proposals from both registered and unregistered organisations, however, unregistered organisations will be required to operate through a fiscal host organisation, who will also be required to undergo the due diligence process.

Special consideration will be given to applications that come from:

  • Organizations which received a capacity development intervention in April/May 2024 AND are able to showcase in the proposals how the skills and increased technical or practical capacity gained then will be built upon throughout this new project period.
  • Projects in countries experiencing an increase in anti-LGBTI+ rhetoric, violence or any political and/or legislative developments intended to curtail the rights of LGBTI+ communities.

How to Apply

  • Proposals should be submitted using the RMR Narrative Proposal Template and RMR Budget Proposal Template which can be found on our website, to programmes@kaleidoscopetrust.com. The subject line should read “RMR Programme Small Grant Application - [Applicant Organisation Name]”.
  • The deadline for applications is 23:59 BST, 21 July 2024.
  • Applicants can expect to be informed of the outcome of their application by 31 July 2024 (relevant activity expenses can be retro dated to 1 August 2024 once approved).

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