Applications Invited for Turtle Conservation Fund (TCF) Grant Program

Organization: Turtle Conservation Fund (TCF)

Apply By: 01 Jun 2025

Grant Amount: 5000 USD

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About the Organization

The Turtle Conservation Fund (TCF) was established in 2002 as a partnership initiative of Conservation International, IUCN Tortoise and Freshwater Turtle Specialist Group (TFTSG), and Turtle Survival Alliance (TSA). In 2007 it was joined by the Shellshock Campaign of the European Association of Zoos and Aquaria, and in 2009 expanded to become a broader-based partnership coalition of several leading turtle conservation organizations and individuals. Global Wildlife Conservation (GWC), Chelonian Research Foundation (CRF), and Turtle Conservancy (TC) currently serve as financial umbrella organizations for the TCF.

The TCF administers a turtle conservation and research grants program focused on endangered tortoises and freshwater turtles. Awards are granted to organizations or individuals for specific conservation or research projects dealing with highly endangered  tortoises or freshwater turtles, but not marine turtles, with either partial or full support as funding allows.

About the Grant

As one of its main functions, TCF administers a turtle conservation and research grants program. Awards are granted to organizations or individuals for specific conservation or research projects dealing with highly endangered tortoises or freshwater turtles, but not marine turtles, with either partial or full support as funding allows.

TCF Grant Program:

Priority for funding is given to projects that focus on tortoises or freshwater turtles that are already highly threatened according to the IUCN Red List or the TFTSG Provisional Red List, as either Critically Endangered or Endangered, or which may be highly threatened but not yet officially classified as such on the Red List. We do not support work on marine turtles. TCF Awards are approximately in the $1000 to $5000 range per project (with full or partial funding depending on full project costs), and smaller seed grant projects are also encouraged (up to $1000 each) to support pilot conservation initiatives for tortoise and freshwater turtle species that are currently either IUCN Red Listed as Critically Endangered or Endangered (or on the TCF Priority Species list–see below), or species that may become priority species with an increase in the state of knowledge about the status of their populations or the threats they currently face (principally species currently classified on the Red List Data Deficient or not yet assessed [Not Evaluated]).

Award recipients enter into contractual agreement with either Re:wild (formerly Global Wildlife Conservation) or Chelonian Research Foundation to produce the proposed work (these non-profit organizations serve as TCF’s financial umbrella organizations). Award recipients are also encouraged to publish at least partial results of the supported research in the international scientific turtle journal, Chelonian Conservation and Biology, published by Chelonian Research Foundation (www.chelonian.org).

There are two funding cycles annually. Total disbursement has averaged between $20,000 to $50,000 per funding cycle, or $40,000 to $100,000 per year to date.

How to Apply

Grant Application Deadlines: June 1 and December 1.

Award Determinations: approximately August 15 and February 15 (dates may vary)

Submit ALL TCF grant proposals electronically via e-mail to:

Hugh R. Quinn, Anders GJ Rhodin, and Vivian P. Páez

( DoubleHQ@aol.com , RhodinCRF@aol.com , vivianpaez1@gmail.com )

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