Applications Invited for the SNIS Grant

Applications Invited for the SNIS Grant

Organization: SNIS

Apply By: 22 Jan 2025

Grant Amount: 348080 USD

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About the Organization

The SNIS promotes academic research in the interdisciplinary area of international studies with an interest in phenomena that transcend traditional nation-state boundaries.

It supports different perspectives by valuing contributions from a diverse group of academic researchers including political scientists, economists, legal scholars, social and cultural anthropologists, historians, sociologists, geographers, environmental and public health scientists, as well as other academics.

Thematic areas of interest include environment, development, health, human rights, and education, among others, as well as topics such as international and civil wars, sustainable development, public health, migration and refugees, gender issues, globalisation, trade and financial markets, human and cultural rights, and European politics.

About the Grant

The SNIS provides grants for research projects that meet the following criteria:

  • Theme: International studies: The research projects must fall within the realm of international studies. The SNIS embraces a comprehensive understanding of international studies, encompassing issues that are relevant to the global agenda and require international cooperation to generate policy-relevant outcomes. These issues may encompass political, economic, social, environmental, historical, legal, health, scientific, and developmental aspects of complex societal inquiries.
  • Method: Pluri- and trans-disciplinary: Projects must be pluri- and trans-disciplinary, meaning they must incorporate various academic disciplines and involve collaborations with International Organizations and/or NGOs.

The SNIS supports pluri-disciplinary projects in the social sciences and pluri-disciplinary projects that combine natural and social sciences. The SNIS does not support pluri-disciplinary projects that only consist of natural sciences. The SNIS does not fund individual grants, i.e. career grants.

Projects must run for two years, and funding can range from 100’000 to 300’000 Swiss francs.

There are two thematic branches of the call:

The General Call: in any area of International Studies as defined above;

Theme 2025: defined by the SNIS International Geneva Committee: ‘Leveraging Emerging Technologies in an Era of Disruption and Growing Inequality’

There is no quota for either branch, i.e. applicants have no statistical advantage when submitting to either branch.

  • Support for two-year pluri-disciplinary projects in international studies. Support ranges from CHF 100’000 to CHF 300’000.
  • Coordinator must be anchored in a qualifying hosting institution
  • Project teams submit a short version of their project. A pre-proposal should outline a research gap, identify ensuing research question(s) and detail all collaboration partners.
  • Selected projects should integrate the feedback received from the SNIS Scientific Committee, expand and enhance their project proposal as well as solidify their partnerships.
  • An in-depth description of the project and its associated work-packages, detailed financial information as well as written collaboration commitments will be required at this stage.


Formal eligibility criteria aim to guarantee the administrative solidity of SNIS funded projects and additionnaly ascertain that the projects contain co-funding.

The following formal eligibility criteria apply:

  • A Swiss university or other Swiss institution of tertiary education or research acts as the hosting institution of the project. The list of qualifying institutions is available at https://bit.ly/3CTFgmT ;
  • The coordinator and co-coordinator submitting a project must be a faculty member (professor, assistant professor, post-doc, researcher) employed by a qualifying institution (see above) ;
  • For the duration of the project, the coordinator needs to be employed by the hosting institution for work unrelated to the project with a contract of at least 40% full-time equivalent (FTE) ;
  • Each project needs to have a co-coordinator ;
  • If the coordinator is a faculty member without a full-time contract at the hosting institution, the co-coordinator must be employed by the same hosting institution with a contract of at least a 40% FTE not related to the project ;
  • The coordinator of a project shall not be working on another ongoing SNIS funded project at the time of submission. On-going means that the accounts of a project are not closed on the day of the first-round submission deadline
  • Co-funding (in-kind and monetary contributions combined) must amount to at least 25% of requested funds and shall not exceed 100% of requested funds.

The SNIS Secretariat checks the formal eligibility criteria. Projects that fail to meet the formal eligibility criteria are notified shortly after the deadline of the pre-proposals and will not enter the Call.

How to Apply

In the first round, research teams submit a pre-proposal that contains the description of the project as well as information on the submitting research team members. The SNIS Scientific Committee decides which applicants are invited to submit a full proposal.

Content and deadline:

To complete a pre-proposal, applicants need to fill in a form on the SNIS submission platform. The different form fields correspond to the eligibility and evaluation criteria defined in the Call. Project coordinators must also provide a short biography (max. 500 characters), a list of relevant publications (maximum 10), and necessary administrative information.

Applicants also have to indicate ALL team members who will be involved in the project. All mentioned project members must have been personally contacted, and they must have given their consent for participating in the project.

This year’s pre-proposal deadline is January 22 2025 (1:00 PM CET). Results of the first round will be available at the end of March 2025.

In the second round, teams submit a full proposal. The SNIS Scientific Committee selects the winning projects and gives detailed feedback to those not retained.

Proposal content and deadline:

In the full proposal phase, applicants need to upload six individual pdf documents to the submission platform. Project coordinators have to provide the following documents :

  • Summary ;
  • Research plan ;
  • Team member information ;
  • The appropriate dissemination strategy for the expected research results ;
  • Partnership information ;
  • Budget ;
  • Institutional letter for Post-docs: Only if the project coordinator is a faculty member without a full-time contract.
  • The criteria for the evaluation of the full proposals are the same as for the evaluation of the pre-proposals.

The Jury will also take into consideration if the project team has met their previous questions/critiques.

This year’s full proposal deadline is 14 May 2025. Results will be available at the beginning of July 2025.

For more information please check the Link

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