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Applications Open for 11th INDIA-SPAIN Joint Call for R&D&I Projects 2024

Organization: Department of Science & Technology (DST)
Apply By: 20 May 2025
The 11th joint industrial R&D call for proposals between Indian and Spanish industries is opened for application submission till 20th May 2025. Potential projects will be funded by DST through TDB in India and CDTI in Spain.
Your project must demonstrate:
- Industry-driven and market-oriented R&D projects, joint technological co-operation projects consisting in the development of new or substantial improvement of products, processes or services for the companies that operate and are headquartered in India and industrial partners (start-ups, SMEs and large companies) in Spain will be considered.
- The product, process or service must be innovative and there must be a technological intervention involved.
- The project should have an obvious advantage and added value resulting from the technological cooperation and mutual contribution between the participants from the partnering countries (e.g. sharing knowledge base, commercial leads, access and sharing of R&D infrastructure etc.).
- The project must have a civilian purpose.
- The project must be significant for all project partners in a well-balanced consortium.
- The collaborative projects should be innovative and focused on creating possibilities for new technologies, services or processes that will results in commercialisation.
This Call for proposals is open to collaborative R&D projects in the following areas/sectors:
- Circular economy and sustainability: Economically competitive production processes and products, critical materials and/or energy that reduce, replace and/or reuse resources and/or aim for sustainability and environmentally friendly processes and/or technologies. Also including Drinking Water, Water Purification, Water Desalination, Irrigation Technologies and Wastewater Treatment & Management in the subarea of Water Technologies.
- Digital transformation (Smart Mobility, Smart Grids, Smart Cities, etc.).
- Digital health and medical devices: include categories such as mobile health (mHealth), health information technology (IT), wearable devices, telehealth and telemedicine, and personalized medicine.
- Artificial Intelligence
- Advanced Materials
- Any other sector of mutual interest.
- Duration of projects: Project may be up to two years.
Selected project participants will receive funding from Technology Development Board (TDB), on behalf of Department of Science & Technology (DST), Government of India, in India and from Centre for the Development of Technology and Innovation, E.P.E. (CDTI) in Spain respectively.
Based on the joint recommendation of DST and CDTI, the participants from Indian side will be funded through TDB.
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