RFP - Identifying Approaches to Advance Producer Empowerment

RFP - Identifying Approaches to Advance Producer Empowerment

Organization: Better Cotton

Apply By: 18 Aug 2024

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About the Organization

Better Cotton is the world’s largest cotton sustainability programme. Our mission: to help cotton communities survive and thrive, while protecting and restoring the environment. In difficult times, we are meeting the challenge head on. Through our network of field-level partners we have provided training on more sustainable farming practices to more than 2.9 million cotton farmers in 26 countries. More than a fifth of the world’s cotton is now grown under the Better Cotton Standard and our membership network includes more than 2,400 members.

About the Proposal

A core part of Better Cotton's mission is our commitment to social impact, particularly to “enhance the wellbeing and economic development of cotton farming communities”, as outlined in Better Cotton’s 2030 strategy.

Our social impact workstream cuts across three main thematic areas: gender equality, sustainable livelihoods and decent work, which are critical and interdependent aspects of Better Cotton’s programmes. To further drive change on gender equality, Better Cotton set an Impact Target for 2030, to ensure 25% of field staff are women with the power to influence sustainable cotton production.

We are seeking proposals from skilled individuals or organisations to: (i) identify proven strategies for supporting women into organisational leadership roles; (ii) review and share how women in these roles are active change agents, promoting gender equality in their local communities, specifically to women in cotton.

With this study, we wish to generate a better understanding of the best practices among two of our Programme Partners to support women to take on leadership roles and the impact that having women field staff have on gender mainstreaming within the projects. The purpose of the study is to share best practices and learnings with donors, sustainability standards and civil society organisations to design and support processes that enhance gender equality and women’s empowerment.

Scope of Work

The purpose of this assignment is two-fold:

  • Provide greater understanding of how to recruit and retain more women into organisational leadership roles and support their development and empowerment.
  • Present examples of how women field staff are taking action to amplify the voices of women in cotton and bringing equitable access to Better Cotton trainings and resources.

The assignment will be carried out in Maharashtra and Telangana, India.

The applicants are expected to describe their approach in the proposal, along with a brief explanation of the methodology to be used. The assignment will consist of the following key tasks:

  • Task 1: Inception Report
  • Task 2: Data Collection
  • Task 3: Final learning document and case studies

How to Apply

Quotes responding to this Request for Proposals should be a maximum of 5 pages (excluding CVs). And include the following:

  • Overview of relevant experience; (Including CV for the consultants directly involved in the project).
  • Technical proposal; (including project methodology and sampling strategy)
  • Detailed and transparent budget , broken down into objectives and where relevant, deliverables, including time allocation and day rates for each of the deliverables.

Applications deadline: 18 August 2024

All applications must be submitted via this form.

You may submit questions to tender@bettercotton.org - RFP n#2024-07-IM-APEBI until 14th August 2024.

For more information please check the Link

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