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RFP - Meat Waste Management in Ahmedabad : Quantity assessment, Collection and Transportation planning, and Project Planning for a Meat Waste Processing Facility

Organization: C40 Cities
Apply By: 24 Feb 2025
About the Organization
C40 is a network of nearly 100 mayors of the world’s leading cities, who are working to deliver the urgent action needed right now to confront the climate crisis, and create a future where everyone, everywhere can thrive. Mayors of C40 cities are committed to using a science-based and people-focused approach to help the world limit global heating to 1.5°C and build healthy, equitable and resilient communities. Through a Global Green New Deal, mayors are working alongside a broad coalition of representatives from labour, business, the youth climate movement and civil society to go further and faster than ever before.
The strategic direction of the organisation is determined by an elected Steering Committee of C40 mayors which is co-chaired by Mayor Sadiq Khan of London, United Kingdom, and Mayor Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr of Freetown, Sierra Leone. Three term Mayor of New York City Michael R. Bloomberg serves as President of the C40 Board of Directors, which is responsible for operational oversight. A nine-person management team, led by Executive Director, Mark Watts, leads the day-to-day management of C40. C40’s three core strategic funders are Bloomberg Philanthropies, the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation (CIFF) and Realdania.
About the Proposal
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RfP) is to solicit proposals for consultancy services from rms or consortiums (individuals are not eligible for this assignment) to develop a project for optimal meat waste management in the city of Ahmedabad. The project will begin with an assessment of the meat waste produced in the city, followed by the development of a comprehensive meat waste collection and transportation plan. Furthermore, feasibility studies and a Detailed Project Implementation Work plan need to be prepared for the establishment of one or more dedicated facilities to process this meat waste. The Scope of Work involves 4 distinct deliverables as outlined below:
Scope of Work:
Deliverable: Mapping and Assessment of Meat Waste producing sources across the city Activities
Identication and Geo-tagging of all Meat waste producing sources (Markets, Shops, Carts etc.) across the city by conducting on-ground survey
- Reviewing all waste collection and transportation routes developed and operationalised by Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation to begin with.
- Identifying waste collection points (called Point of Interest (PoI) in the route plans) that indicate meat waste production around them (sample shown below in gure a)
- Apart from meat shops and markets which are identied by reviewing specic PoI(s) of the collection routes, the consultant also needs to leverage insights from publicly available datapoints like Google Maps. Additionally, the consultant needs to cover meat waste producing sources in the wards directed/suggested by the AMC officials.○ Carrying out a reconnaissance survey to better understand the ground conditions, areas to focus on, practical on-ground challenges, and planning for nal on-ground assessment
- Based on the above understanding, developing a plan for mapping (geo-tagging) all sources of meat waste production. Also, developing the plan for assessing the quantity of meat waste produced.
- Developing a template form for recording a) type of vendor (shop/cart/central market etc.) b) meat waste weight, c) address and geo location, and d) current disposal practice, during ground-level survey. Use of digital means (dedicated software/mobile app for the survey) shall be included in the plan to ensure effectiveness and accuracy in data recording and analysis.
- Approval of AMC and C40 on the plan and template developed.
- On-ground survey for geo-tagging of all meat waste producing sources in the city as per the approved plan
Assessment of the total meat waste produced from all markets, shops, carts etc. across the city
- The consultant will use the previous survey to determine meat waste generation patterns (per ward, neighborhood), including identifying highs and lows per the sampling period, as this will inform the capacity requirements and design for meat waste treatment solutions
- To achieve this objective, on-ground weighing of meat waste sources shall be done before the waste is disposed of in the waste collecting vehicle
- The on-ground weighing exercise period must include Sunday and Monday, as weekend waste is usually collected on these days, representing the peaks from signicant sources (These sources need to be identied in consultation with C40 and City ofcials)
- Necessary tools/equipment for this activity is to be managed by the consultant.
- This activity would require that the consultant deploys eld staff to conduct the weighment of meat waste produced.
Assessment of current handling and disposal of meat waste produced at these identied locations
- Further to weighing the waste, the consultant also needs to gather information on existing meat waste handling and disposal practices of the identied sources.
- Report on meat waste management in the city with detailed information captured on interactive maps
- geo-location (lat,long)
- meat waste quantity produced
- meat waste generation patterns
- current handling & disposal practice
- Data collated and analysed in MS Excel
Deliverable B: Developing meat waste collection and transportation route plans Activities
Developing a robust Meat Waste Collection and Transportation plan from the sources identied and transporting it to a potential dedicated waste processing facility(s) to be planned by the city. The exact location of the parcel identied for the potential facility will be provided by the city at this stage.
- The plan shall ensure that it adopts the most cost-effective and time-efcient approach. GIS tools shall be leveraged to plan routes that minimize travel time and distance
- The detailed plan shall cover information such as vehicle requirements in terms of number, capacity, and type; the number of trips to be made; and shift planning, if required, based on the situation
- The plan shall also explore the possibility of leveraging existing waste collection routes and vehicles for optimal utilization of existing resources
- Cost and Resource Estimates: Detailed cost estimates for implementing the collection and transportation plan thus developed; including vehicle procurement (if required), fuel consumption, human resource requirement etc.
- Providing necessary supporting guidance to the SWM department, enabling execution of the plan developed. This may include guidance to the city in designing/planning a source segregation programme for meat vendors.
- Report on comprehensive meat waste collection and transportation plan for the city of Ahmedabad and strategy for its execution.
Deliverable C: Project Preparation Activities
Feasibility Assessment
- Conducting feedstock characterisation for meat waste, considering its importance in technology selection
- Assessing the potential of a dedicated meat waste processing facility in the city and its overarching benets on the waste management system of the city.
- Site analysis for the land parcel (location of land parcel to be shared by the city) for establishing a dedicated meat waste processing facility
- Technical & Financial feasibility
- Assessment of compatible technologies available to process meat waste of the Ahmedabad city
- Comparative analysis of technologies clearly leading to selection of the most optimal technology option for meat waste processing in the city and details of any necessary processes required to make the site or selected technology implementation feasible.
- Estimation of Capital and O&M costs , Area footprint, operational requirements, Market conditions for output products offtake, revenue streams as applicable, economic rate of return etc.
- Develop project execution outline, presenting high-level approach for meat waste processing
- Any additional requirements emerging from the ndings of Deliverables A and B to support this deliverable must be addressed
- Detailed report on feasibility assessment, enabling city to make decision on establishing a dedicated meat waste processing facility, technology to be preferred, and overall costs
Deliverable D: Project Implementation Work Plan Activities
Project Implementation Work Plan for establishing a dedicated Meat Waste Processing Facility ○ Engineering designs / technical drawings with clear specications
- Bill of Quantities (BOQ): Detailed estimation of all costs for project, other resources requirement etc, including contingencies
- Project schedule: Timeline, milestones, and phases of project execution
- Procurement Plan: Details of materials, equipment, and vendor selection
- Output products offtake plan
- Regulatory compliance and permitting plan, alignment with building codes, environmental norms and other considerations as applicable to the project ○ Stakeholder Roles: Clear allocation of responsibilities among stakeholders.
- Risk Management Plan: Comprehensive risk identication and management strategy.
- Monitoring & Evaluation: Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) & reporting mechanisms.
- SOPs as necessary for operating plant efciently and effectively
- O&M Plan
- Detailed report on project implementation workplan, enabling city to appoint a concessionaire to establish the meat waste processing facility(s) and also provides a clear roadmap to the concessionaire responsible for establishing the facility.
Study process
This work will be anchored by the C40 Cities in partnership with the Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation (AMC). The process of conducting the study needs to be participatory and shall involve engagement with relevant stakeholders at various levels. This will include close engagement with ofcials of the AMC, various concessionnaires appointed by AMC, NGOs/CSOs working in the SWM sector, and team members of C40 Cities. The assignment will kick off in March 2025. Detailed project timelines are given under section 4 in this RFP. The appointed consultant needs to optimally plan for managing resources, budgeting expenses, and ensuring timely report delivery. Each report / ndings will be presented to the city ofcials, and their comments must be addressed by the consultant. The revised version, incorporating their feedback, will then be considered the nal approved deliverable for payment. The bidders should suggest their initial proposal for the scope of work, timeline and key deliverables based on the Scope of Work described in this RfP. This response will constitute the standard for what C40 can expect to find in the detailed project plan in terms of resources, breadth of scope and timeline.
How to Apply
Each Potential Supplier must submit 1 copy of their proposal to the email addresses below by 6:00 PM IST on or before 24 February 2025
Dhiraj Santdasani, Technical Adviser, Waste and Methane
CC: Shivani Bhatt, Senior Manager, Waste and Methane, Ahmedabad.
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