RFP - Selection of Consultant for providing Advisory Support/Project Management Unit to GIDB office

RFP - Selection of Consultant for providing Advisory Support/Project Management Unit to GIDB office

Organization: Gujarat Infrastructure Development Board

Apply By: 30 Sep 2024

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About the Organization

The Gujarat Infrastructure Development Board was set up to facilitate higher flow of funds in to infrastructure sectors, to promote the private sector participation and to ensure co-ordination among various Government agencies in the State of Gujarat. The organization focuses on:

  • Overall planning and co-ordination between various sector specific departments for development of infrastructure in the State.
  • Advise on Concession agreements which detail the risk allocation in a public private partnership.
  • Project preparation by conducting pre-feasibility and feasibility studies through reputed consultants.
  • Providing legal framework for selection of Developers through international competitive bidding and challenge route.
  • Monitoring progress of projects.
  • Building capacity of Human Resources and Organization in infrastructure sector compatible with international standard.

About the Proposal

Gujarat Infrastructure Development Board (GIDB) has been appointed as Apex Authority for the Special Investment Regions in the State of Gujarat under the Gujarat Special Investment Region Act – 2009.

  • Preparation of plans and shelf of projects for development of logistics in the State through initiatives such as:
  • Preparation of City Logistics Plan for 8 cities and Gujarat State Integrated Logistics Master Plan
  • MoUs with key institutions and universities to implement best practices in Logistics Sector
  • GIDB is the nodal office for implementation of PM Gati Shakti Gujarat project in the State. Under this planning of infrastructure projects is carried out through the portal as well as online approvals are being developed.
  • Under the set up of Project Monitoring Group, coordination for resolution of issues pertaining to central government projects with more than INR 500 crore budget is being done by the GIDB office.
  • The Island Development Authority has been constituted in the State and CEO, GIDB is the Member Secretary. The Authority is being tasked with the identification and mapping of islands along Gujarat’s coastline and exploring the development potential of islands in the state of Gujarat.
  • Review of concession agreements related to PPP projects and submission of comments on the agreements.

Scope of Work

The consultant, in consultation with the Authority, shall carry out the following, but not limited to:

  • Preparation of PPP database and implementation of PPP institutional framework.
  • Support in reviewing concession agreements and preparing review reports.
  • Compilation of investment opportunities in various infrastructure sectors and preparing sector based policy interventions for the State.
  • Sectoral research and benchmarking for best practices by undertaking study of practices and learnings from other states/ private sector pertaining to infrastructure sectors.
  • Compilation/preparation of standard bid documents/MCAs/Toolkits for different sectors.
  • Revamping content for GIDB website and its regular update.
  • Preparation of Bidding documents (RFP) and assisting in bid process management and evaluation process. Support in pre-bid management and response preparation
  • Designing Capacity Building Programs on PPP and other relevant topics for the GoG Officers.
  • Creation of PPP case studies for the reference of various GoG officers and development of PPP study material/newsletters for the GIDB website.
  • Organizational restructuring/benchmarking of GIDB and future roadmap
  • Provide research and advisory assistance to GIDB as and when required.
  • Advisory support in carrying out the work/projects taken up by GIDB office.

Period of Assignment and Payment Terms

  • The assignment period of Program Management Consultant shall be for an initial period of one year. Based on the performance of the PMC, the agreement can be extended for another one year based on the mutually negotiated terms and conditions.
  • Payment will be made on a monthly basis (based on actual on-ground presence of two team members) at equal instalments of the amount mentioned in the agreement upon submission and approval of monthly activity report by CEO, GIDB.

Responsibilities of the Consultant

  • The Consultant shall collect all the relevant preliminary & secondary information, relevant documents from the State & Central government departments/ Government Agencies;
  • The Consultant shall collect all data, existing information for carrying out the assignment;
  • The Consultant shall be responsible for all the data, surveys, designs developed and analysis given by them;
  • The Consultant shall bear data collection expense, out of pocket expenses for meetings, consultations and other relevant for carrying out the assignment, except categorically specified;
  • The Consultant shall do justification to the primary and secondary data collected by giving appropriate credit and source reference in the report;
  • The Consultant shall have to make their own arrangement for accommodation, equipment, software for carrying out the assignment during their stay in field visits;
  • The Consultant shall require making necessary provision for housing their staff as per requirement. No assistance shall be provided by the Authority;
  • The Consultant shall have to make their own arrangements for necessary computer software and hardware and transportation facilities to and fro from the Authority’s Office Gandhinagar to meet their daily requirements;
  • The Consultant shall ensure that its manpower/ Project Team proposed shall be available on all working days of Government of Gujarat (including working Saturdays) whenever required. Onsite deployment of team is not required, however, team members shall be available for presentations and meetings;
  • The Consultant shall submit Fortnightly Activity Sheet in advance and progress update for discussion and timely delivery.


The Applicant must submit an undertaking for each of the following:

  • The Company / Firm should not have suffered bankruptcy / insolvency in the last five years in the format specified at Annexure 1 (D) of this RFQ cum RFP;
  • The Company / Firm should not have been currently blacklisted by any Government/ Public Sector Organization in the format specified at Annexure 1 (E) of this RFQ cum RFP;
  • The Company/Firm should not have abandoned Consultancy Assignments/ Construction Supervision Assignments/ projects/ contract works in-complete in the format specified at Annexure 1 (F) of this RFQ cum RFP;

How to Apply

online submission through https://tender.nprocure.com[Tender ID – 103225]

 Applications should be submitted before the date and time mentioned in the Schedule of Bidding Process, to the address provided in Clause 2.12 in the manner and form as detailed in this RFQ cum RFP Document. Applications submitted by facsimile transmission, telex or email will not be accepted.

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