RFP - To strengthen gender sensitive HIV AIDS response of community led organizations and stakeholders

RFP - To strengthen gender sensitive HIV AIDS response of community led organizations and stakeholders

Organization: UN Women

Apply By: 06 Mar 2025

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About the Organization

UN Women is the UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide.

UN Women is the UN organization dedicated to gender equality and the empowerment of women. A global champion for women and girls, UN Women was established to accelerate progress on meeting their needs worldwide.

About the Proposal

This program component support the vision of National AIDS Control Program’s quality care and dignified treatment, and thus support building capacity of community organization, including but not limited to the local HIV/ AIDS networks, HIV/ AIDS alliance organizations, local self-help groups working with vulnerable population of Female Sex Workers (FSWs), migrant women, women who are injecting drug users and LGBTQAI community.

Objective: Build a cadre of 40 master trainers and the Capacity of 80 CBOs, 2000 people on the intersectionality of HIV and Gender, including but not limited to the local HIV/ AIDS networks, HIV/ AIDS alliance organizations, local self-help groups working with vulnerable population of Female Sex Workers (FSWs), migrant women, women who are injecting drug users and LGBTQAI community, for two states as mentioned in this RFP over a period of 6 months.

  • Output 1: Evidence generated on existing gaps, challenges and strategies, through consultations with CBOs and networks at each geography on intersectionality of HIV and gender, final module and 1 white paper
  • Output 2: A cadre of 40 master trainers created from among CBOs/Networks/CSOs, who further contribute to capacity building on the intersectionality of Gender & HIV of 2000 people.

UN Women seeks the services of a civil society organization (hereinafter referred as proponent organization) working in the mentioned geographical location with community based organizations/ networks working in the domain of HIV/ AIDS (hereinafter referred as target group), The services of the organization are sought to fulfill the planned program component as mentioned below:

Output 1: Evidence generated on existing gaps, challenges and strategies, through consultations with CBOs and networks at each geography on intersectionality of HIV and gender, final module and 1 white paper produced


  • Conduct stakeholder mapping and develop the state scenarios on Gender and HIV (for target States, through desk review and insights from consultations and pilot testing). Stakeholders include all kinds of organizations, institutions, networks, and entities involved in providing services for HIV/AIDS in the region (consultation, referral, education, awareness, prevention, or treatment).
  • Conduct pilot testing of UN Women’s module on Gender and HIV with at least 20 CBOs in each State, with minimum 25 participants (The draft module will be provided by UN Women)
  • Design and develop the final module post pilot testing. Develop one facilitator’s guide for Master Trainers, and module PPTs in English, Hindi and Assamese. 
  • Align the module content to enable it to be delivered through completely online platforms, like UN Women’s Learning Management System.
  • Develop one white paper based on the stakeholder mapping and state scenario development (based on activity 1.1), including but not limited to challenges, recommendations etc.

Output 2: A cadre of 40 master trainers created from among CBOs/Networks/CSOs, who further contribute to capacity building on the intersectionality of Gender & HIV of 2000 people.


  • Identify and mobilise 100 CBOs, CSOs and Networks for capacity building
  • Conduct trainings of minimum 80 CBOs, CSOs and networks working in the domain of providing HIV/ AIDS services. The trainings shall be based on the finalized module (Ref point 1.2).
  • From among the 80 CBOs trained in Activity 2.2, identify and train at least 40 master trainers through 2 ToTs during the project period.
  • Facilitate cascade trainings through the master trainers to reach a minimum of 2000 people in the prescribed geographies. Each training session should be a minimum of 2 days. Develop an evaluation report on the effectiveness of the trainings.
  • Support in regular information for social media updates and inclusion in communication collaterals (including high resolution photographs)

The proponent organization is expected to submit a proposal to contribute to the scope of work mentioned above, in the target geographies as mentioned. The proposal should also include a brief write-up about any sub-partners, if intending to engage for the same and clearly indicate the rationale of selecting the partners and their roles, responsibilities, and accountability.


  • Uttar Pradesh
  • Assam


  • The team lead should have minimum 10 years of experience in sectors of HIV and gender. 
  • Specialization in gender, Women’s economic empowerment, social development, and women’s rights.
  • Significant knowledge and experience of approaches on vocational education, gender and skill training and placements.
  • Recent experience with gender equality issues and knowledge of mainstreaming gender equality into policies/programming/development.
  • Experience in Maharashtra.
  • Facilitation skills, particularly designing and developing skill training modules and delivering the same.
  • Excellent documentation and communication skills.
  • Demonstrated writing skills in English

Team members

  • Team members must have a minimum of 5 years of experience in implementing skill development and placement projects.
  • Experience in gender, Women’s economic empowerment, social development, and women’s rights.
  • Facilitation skills, particularly designing and developing training modules and delivering the same.
  • Excellent documentation and communication skills in English and Hindi.
  • Demonstrated writing skills in English

How to Apply

Proposals must be received by UN Women at the address specified not later than 5:30 pm IST on 06 March 2025.

Interested proponents may obtain further information by contacting this email address: registry.india@unwomen.org

For more information please check the Link

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