RFP for preparing Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Yanam and Mahe Regions, UT of Puducherry

RFP for preparing Comprehensive Mobility Plan for Yanam and Mahe Regions, UT of Puducherry

Organization: National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA)

Apply By: 10 Feb 2025

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About the Organization

The National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) is India’s leading national think tank on urban planning and development. As a hub for generation and dissemination of cutting-edge research in the urban sector, NIUA seeks to provide innovative solutions to address the challenges of a fast urbanising India, and pave the way for more inclusive and sustainable cities of the future.

Since the 1970s, Indian cities have undergone a transformative journey. Following rapid industrialisation post-Independence, increase in population has taken place alongside large- scale rural to urban migration. With urban hubs swelling in size and density, exciting opportunities for growth have come into view whilst being accompanied by new risks and challenges. As cruxes of economic and political power, the question of how cities are planned, governed, and indeed, for who, becomes all the more crucial.

It is against this backdrop, NIUA was established as an autonomous body in 1976 under the aegis of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoHUA). Then the institute was registered as a society under the Societies Registration Act XXI of 1860. Since then, it has worked closely with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, alongside other government and civil sectors, to identify key areas of research, and address the lacunae in urban policy and planning. With a team spanning planners, engineers, researchers, architects and analysts, the Institute provides cross disciplinary expertise and technical assistance for city and state-level projects, as well as developing toolkits and customised training programmes to strengthen the capacity of local and regional, and governing agencies.

About the Proposal

The National Institute of Urban Affairs (NIUA) is implementing a UNEP-supported, GEF7-funded project titled UrbanShift (Livable Cities in India: Demonstrating Sustainable Urban Planning and Development through Integrated Approaches). The project aims to transform Indian cities through integrated urban planning, which would lead to reducing GHG emissions, air pollution and congestion, protecting and conserving ecologically sensitive areas by building capacity of state and city authorities. The objective of the project is to demonstrate low emissions, resilient, nature-based inclusive, sustainable urban development in selected cities and support scale-up nationally. The project would provide technical assistance and investment for undertaking the following activities in the partner cities of Pune, Surat, Agra & Puducherry:

  • Evidence-based sustainable and integrated planning;
  • Investments in low emissions, resilient, Nature-based Solutions (NbS) and mobility;
  • Innovative financing solutions for cities and
  • Knowledge management and capacity development: Knowledge products, good practices and tools would be made available to national, state and city authorities as well as other stakeholders through the National Urban Learning Platform (NULP).

The project will also focus on enabling gender mainstreaming practices and processes through the inclusion of gender expertise, stakeholder consultations with women, adoption of gender-responsive planning and budgeting processes and mandatory gender assessment of all urban development projects.

One of the activities under the UrbanShift Country Project is to prepare two separate Comprehensive Mobility Plans (CMPs) for Yanam and Mahe regions of Puducherry (UT). The CMP would be prepared for the planning jurisdiction of the Yanam Planning Authority (YPA) and Mahe Planning Authority (MPA), covering an area of 30 sq km and 9 sq km, respectively. The CMP would be made for a period of 30 years and would be reviewed after every 5 years and revised, if required.

Aligned with the National Urban Transport Policy (2006), the CMP should provide a long-term vision for movement of people and goods in the enclave to provide, safe, secure, efficient, reliable and seamless connectivity while supporting and enhancing economic, social and environmental sustainability.

The CMP should propose strategies aimed at enhancing regional connectivity, integrating land use and transport, promoting modal shift towards public and shared modes of transportation, facilitating movement of pedestrians and non-motorised modes of transport, implementing efficient parking management practices, enhancing road safety measures, facilitating gender-sensitive mobility planning, ensuring universal accessibility, optimisation of goods transport, etc. The Plan should be cognizant of transport demand of all socio-economic groups, elderly, children, Persons with Disability (PwD) and genders within the enclave.

The CMP should recommend an investment program (projects to be implemented in the city) to meet the vision. The recommended projects should be prioritised as per the urgency of their need and associated climate advantages (mitigation of GHG emissions). A framework (set of indicators) should be developed to monitor the implementation of the CMP and for approval of any new projects in future.

With this background, NIUA (hereinafter called “Client”) invites proposals from the Consultant through an open RFP to provide the above-mentioned services as part of the UrbanShift Country Project.


  • The Bidder should be a Company registered under the provisions of the Indian Companies Act, 2013 / Companies Act, 1956 or a PARTNERSHIP FIRM registered under the Indian Partnership Act, 1932 or the Limited Liability Partnerships Act, 2008 or a SOCIETY (as per the Indian Societies Registration Act, 1860) or a TRUST (as per The Indian Trusts Act, 1882) or a proprietorship firm. Registered with the Income Tax Authorities. Registered with GST Network.
  • The Bidder should be having a positive Net Worth and an Average Annual Turnover of at least INR 35 Lakh in previous three financial years (FY 2020-21, 2021-22 & 2022-23) from consultancy services in India.
  • As on last date of submission of the Proposal, the Bidder should not be blacklisted by any government agency in India for unsatisfactory past performance, corrupt, fraudulent or any other unethical business practices.
  • The Bidder in its last 7 years of experience should have completed at least 3 similar/relevant projects/ assignments each of contract value not less than 40% of the assignment value i.e. INR 1,00,00,000 (Rupees One Crore only) or should have completed at least 2 similar/ relevant projects/ assignments each of contract value not less than 50% of the assignment value i.e. INR 1,00,00,000 (Rupees One Crore only) or should have completed at least 1 similar/ relevant projects/ assignments each of contract value not less than 80% of the assignment value i.e. INR 1,00,00,000 (Rupees One Crore only). Similar/ relevant projects/ assignments’ include preparation of Comprehensive Mobility Plan (CMP)/ Low Carbon Mobility Plan (LCMP)/ Integrated Mobility Plan (IMP)/ Comprehensive Traffic & Transportation Study, Master Plan/ Development Plan/ Regional Plan, etc. for urban areas. ‘Similar/ relevant projects/ assignments’ also include advisory services/consultancy assignments in planning city-wide network of Public Transport, Non-Motorised Transport (NMT), etc.

How to Apply

  • Any queries in relation to the bid process shall be sent to email ID: procurement@niua.org and urbanshift@niua.org before 16.01.2025, 17:00 hrs IST. Response to the queries will be available online by 23.01.2025.
  • The Proposal shall comprise of Proposal Submission Form, Technical Proposal and Financial Proposal, and must be submitted to the NIUA Office (1st Floor, Core 4B, India Habitat Centre Lodhi Road, New Delhi- 110003) by 10.02.2025, 17:00 hrs IST.

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