ToR - Content Development and Contextualization-Parents Meeting Curriculum-Program Pilots Girls Education Program

ToR - Content Development and Contextualization-Parents Meeting Curriculum-Program Pilots Girls Education Program

Organization: Room to Read India

Apply By: 02 Jan 2025

Terms of Reference (ToR)

Content Development and Contextualization-Parents Meeting Curriculum-Program Pilots

Girls Education Program


PURPOSE of hiring AN AGENCY/ Consultant

About Room to Read:

Room to Read is a global organization transforming the lives of millions of children in low-income countries by focusing on literacy and gender equality in education. Founded in 2000 on the belief that World Change Starts with Educated Children®, our innovative model focuses on deep, systemic transformation within schools in low-income countries during two time periods which are most critical in a child’s schooling: early primary school for literacy acquisition and secondary school for girls’ education. We work in collaboration with local communities, partner organizations, and governments to develop literacy skills and a habit of reading among primary school children and ensure girls can complete secondary schools with the skills necessary to negotiate key life decisions. Room to Read has benefited 16.8 million children across 38,000 communities in Asia and Africa.

About the Program:

Girls’ Education Program supports adolescent girls in building their agency through the life skills they need, to succeed in school and beyond. We strive for a gender transformative approach in our work—in both design and delivery—that seeks to actively challenge harmful gender norms and address power disparities that contribute to gender inequality.

We believe that when girls have life skills, they can more effectively negotiate life decisions, including the decision to stay in school and break the stereotypes that impact their lives. These skills equip her to take charge, to effectively respond to life situations and identify best solutions along with a path to get there. As a result of the life skills training, they strengthen their agency to have short-medium-long term goals, make informed life choices and studied decisions. We work with adolescent girls, their families, schools, and local communities to understand gender-specific challenges and devise relevant solutions. The GEP focuses on enabling adolescent girls empower themselves through life skills sessions, mentoring support, and family, school, and community engagements.

In India, since 2004, the Girls Education Program (GEP) has supported 367584 (Global Indicator Report,2021) girls in negotiating their key life decisions across 8 states- Uttarakhand, Delhi, Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Maharashtra, Telangana, and Andhra Pradesh.

About the Assignment:

Life Skills are integral to the Girls Education Program and the curriculum forms a vital foundation through which life skills intervention is planned and implemented directly with adolescents. Apart from the intervention on life skills with the adolescents; the program also has graded curriculum delivered to other stakeholders like parents and teachers. In 2025, in line with the new organization strategy, the program is piloting in three thematic domains areas which are Boys Life Skills Curriculum, Climate Justice Curriculum and Financial Literacy Curriculum with selected schools in 3-4 states for grades 6-8. The curriculum would promote lifeskills education, promote gender-responsive practices, and equip adolescents with essential skills to navigate a rapidly evolving world. These are specific curriculum sets which are part of the Gender Equality Portfolio. This assignment is particularly focussed on the session development and contextualization for parents meeting for these 3 thematic domains. The consultant will be required to develop each session in a manner that it can be facilitated by the educators for the parents of the adolescents. The available source material and few contextualized sessions are in English.

The below-mentioned scope of work and tasks are to be performed by the consultant/agency in close discussion and coordination with the GEP point person and team and are outlined as follows:

Scope of Work

The scope of work can be divided into three parts (for understanding and the way the assignment would be approached)

Understanding Curriculum and Content Universe

  1. The consultant will be expected to familiarize, read and understand the content universe of three domains.
  2. The consultant will read and understand the organization’s Life Skills Framework to solidify the knowledge and approach the curriculum in sync of the expectations.
  3. The consultant will do mapping of the available Life skills sessions and curriculum map to have a logical flow of the curriculum for parents’ curriculum.

Content Development

  1. The consultant is expected to develop and write the finalized relevant sessions for delivery with parents.
  2. There will be 14 new sessions in total for the 3 thematic domains Boys Life Skills curriculum, Financial Literacy and Climate Justice) spanning Grade 6-8. The consultant will create content for each section that will be finalized in consultation with RtR.
  3. There will be contextualization of 4 available sessions of parents meeting making it relevant to the local Indian context(these are different from the 14 sessions)
  4. The template of the sessions will be finalized in consultation with RTR based on existing available templates of the sessions.

Orientation and Facilitation

  1. There would be an orientation and facilitation of the internal team members for the curriculum. It is expected to be 3 half days virtual orientation. During ,curriculum development and brainstorming in case the orientation sessions are planned in-person, then RTR will bear the cost of the travel and other logistics.

Key Deliverables

  • Final and proofread word documents of 14 sessions of Parents Meeting Curriculum.
  • Final and proofread word contextualized documents of 4 available sessions.
  • Online orientation of internal team members- Orientation of content creation and contextualization-3 half days.
  • The language of content developed and contextualized be Hindi(for all 18 sessions).

The consultant will need to provide services to complete all the above tasks in stipulated time frame and as will be mutually agreed to during the contract finalization .The consultant will also be required to come to the office a few times for ideation and discussion; initial brainstorming meetings or each issue as and when requested by RtR point person if there arise conditions for further discussions.

Contributions from RtR:

  1. Support in ideation.
  2. Providing the required Life Skills curriculum and program documents important for
  3. Monitor the assignment at different stages.
  4. Review, comment and approve the deliverables.

Note: For all of the above-mentioned scope of work there will be a minimum of 5-6 rounds of feedback and suggestions that will come from Room to Read and the consultant should be open to that.

Selection Process

The selection process will involve 3 rounds of screening:

  • Round 1: Submission of proposal. Only those agencies who are shortlisted in round-1 will be taken forward in the next round.
  • Round 2:  Interview Process.
  • Round 3:Assignment matching the ask of the assignment.( this round is subject to the agencies/consultants’ credentials in round 2)

Technical Evaluation Criteria

The agency will be evaluated based on a total score of 50 points across the given parameters. Each parameter will contribute 10 points.

  1. Demonstrated Experience: Evaluation of the consultant/ agency past experience in the area of curriculum development and content creation especially for stakeholders like parents.
  2. Domain Awareness and Knowledge-: Assessment of the agency's knowledge and awareness of the three thematic domains and ongoing developments in issues related to Girls' Education.
  3. Skill Set and Experience in Life Skills Domain-Proven expertise and credentials to support life skills understanding, learning and delivery.
  4. Gender-Transformative Content: Evaluation of the agency's ability to convey an understanding of gender through the development of gender-transformative content.
  5. Hindi Content Development: Assessment of the agency's demonstrated experience in developing content in Hindi.


Please note that all payments will be made only after submission of the correct invoice in hard copy.

The vendor must ensure that the final product is proof-read and error free, in case of errors in language and grammar, penalty will be imposed on the vendor.

  1. Payment will be done after completion of each milestone.
  2. Payment will be made in accordance with the work carried out.
  3. Payment can be made as per RTR policy.
  4. Payment will be made regarding the volume of work done and approved by RTR.

Payment Milestones

  • Delivery of finalized first 6 parents meeting sessions.
  • Delivery of finalized next 6 sessions.
  • Delivery of finalized next 6 sessions.
  • Completion of 3 half day orientation sessions.

How to Apply

Proposals are invited from the interested Consultant/agency/vendor for the above assignments and the last date for receiving the proposal is 2nd January 2025 at procurement.india@roomtoread.org  [do not copy anyone from RtR]

Kindly submit two separate emails with the following subject lines:

  • EMAIL (1) : Contextualization 2025 | TECHNICAL PROPOSAL
  • EMAIL (2) : Contextualization 2025 | FINANCIAL PROPOSAL

The consultant/agency/vendor should apply with the following:

  • EMAIL (1) : Contextualization 2025 | TECHNICAL PROPOSAL
    • Cite relevant work experience and samples of work
    • Methodology for Project Implementation
    • Company’s profile/Detailed CV of all the consultants/individuals involved in this project
  • EMAIL (2) : Contextualization 2025 | FINANCIAL PROPOSAL
    • Detailed financial proposal in your own template. 
    • Copy of registration certificate, GST, MSME, PAN Card of the organization and owners, etc, as applicable.
    • Read the ToR thoroughly before applying.
    • Pricing should include the above requirements.
    • Only Shortlisted consultant/agency/vendor will be contacted.
    • Any incomplete application or process deviation, the proposals will automatically be rejected.
    • Proposal received after the prescribed deadline will not be considered.

The TDS will be applicable on the consultancy fee. 

Selected Consultant/agency/vendor will be required to sign and abide by the Child Protection policy of Room to Read. 

For queries, please contact:

Ms. Neha Premchandani at Neha.Premchandani@roomtoread.org




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