Applications Invited for RIFS Fellow Programme

Applications Invited for RIFS Fellow Programme

Organization: GFZ - Helmholtz Centre Potsdam

Apply By: 14 Jul 2024

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About the Organization

The Helmholtz Centre Potsdam - GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences

Our vision

The future can only be secured by those who understand the System Earth and its interactions with Man: We develop a profound understanding of systems and processes of the solid Earth together with strategies and options for action to address global change and its regional impacts, to understand natural hazards and to minimize associated risks, as well as to assess the human impact on System Earth.

About the Program

The Fellow Programme is among our defining features: each year, around 20 people are invited from across the world to join the Institute. Working closely with our research groups, projects and other fellows, they pursue innovative ideas and topics to advance sustainability transformations. Supported by the Institute in their work and aspirations, fellows are invited to develop their ideas in a supportive international community drawn from all sectors of society. RIFS helps fellows to extend their networks at the national and international levels and provides organizational and financial support for their activities. Fellows will join an ever-growing network of over 300 former fellows from over 50 countries.

We welcome applications from all parts of society, including science, public administration, the private sector, civil society, media and the arts, and from all parts of the world. Applicants from the scientific community are expected to have a PhD or similar level of experience when their fellowship commences. Non-academic applicants should have at least three to five years of relevant work experience in their chosen field.

The proposed research or other activities must be complementary to the Institute’s research programme. The thematic focus of the proposed project should engage with topics addressed by at least one of the Institute’s research groups. Applicants are otherwise free in their choice of topic and activities, which may include scientific investigation, the development of policy recommendations or business models, contributing to public discourses and debates, art-making, education and public outreach, or other activities. We strongly encourage applicants to contact relevant research groups before submitting their application in order to gain a better understanding of our research and align their proposal with the work of the group(s).

Fellowships are granted for between six and twelve months. In exceptional and well justified cases, they may be extended for up to 24 months.

How to Apply

If an application does not conform to the structure set out above, it may be rejected without review. The deadline for applications is 23:59 Central European Standard Time on 14th July 2024.


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