Applications Invited for Challenges in forest management: Climate change, biodiversity & forest products

Applications Invited for Challenges in forest management: Climate change, biodiversity & forest products

Organization: Velux Stiftung

Apply By: 23 Sep 2024

Grant Amount: 112183 USD

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About the Organization

Velux Stiftung is a science-funding foundation based in Switzerland supporting forestry research in Switzerland and globally.

We put our support behind researchers who aim to transfer their discoveries to initiate change and create impact.

The foundation aims to contribute to sustainable change and impact for the benefit of humanity. While there are many important and unsolved topics in the supported funding areas, Velux Stiftung focuses on those ideas or challenges which are relevant and take an interdisciplinary, outside-of-the-box approach but have received too little attention from major funding sources and lack alternative funding opportunities.

We expect our grantees to be knowledge entrepreneurs, to have a clear vision of the impact their research could generate and how they can foster the necessary change. Velux Stiftung aims to support researchers who have the path to impact in mind and want to actively transfer their science-based knowledge beyond the academic community into action and impact. This ultimate objective determines which audiences need to be targeted, and in which form the results should be transferred.

About the Grant

This call for proposals in forestry research is focused on developing or integrating solutions for adapting to or mitigating climate change, promoting biodiversity, providing resilient ecosystems services while supplying sustainable forest products. We’re also seeking proposals that incentivize action and behavioural change, transforming the theoretical and abstract values of forest products and services. We aim to support sound science that aims to be used in practice, as well as efforts to improve understanding and collaboration at the science-practice interface.

The call for proposals 2024 seeks:

  • Research projects with a high potential for change in forestry practice which include stakeholder engagement, targeted knowledge transfer and with a scalable approach.
  • Science-practice projects which improve accessibility and comprehensibility in communication, promote mutual understanding through dialogue and knowledge exchange or enables researchers and practitioners to jointly develop research questions.

Applications should contribute towards the overall objective of the program: Sustainable Forest management practice that can address the pressing problems of climate change and biodiversity loss as well as society’s need for forest products such as timber and resilient ecosystem services.

Projects may last from 1 to 4 years, and funding of up to max. CHF 100,000 per year is available. At least two project partners are necessary to be eligible.

Thematic focus:

  • Innovative and integrative sustainable forest management to develop and provide solutions for adapting to or mitigating climate change, promoting biodiversity, providing resilient ecosystems services and supplying sustainable forest products.
  • Incentives or tools for action and behavioural change towards sustainable forest management by transforming theoretical and abstract values of forest products and services.

Program goals:

The overall objective of the funding program is to improve sustainable forest management that addresses the pressing problems of climate change and biodiversity loss as well as society’s need for forest products.

  • The program shall contribute to a change of perspective in sustainable forest management and in the use and value of forests.
  • The program shall contribute to the integration of evidence-based science into forestry practice.
  • Financial innovation and improved framework conditions should provide leverage for the implementation of sustainable forest management, resulting in forests that can conserve biodiversity, act as a carbon sink and supply forest products.

How to Apply

The deadline for proposals is 23 September 2024, with a final decision expected in March 2025.

The details of the call 2024 can be viewed here.

For more information please check the Link

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