Applications Invited for Rainforest Reporting Grant

Applications Invited for Rainforest Reporting Grant

Organization: Pulitzer Center

Apply By: 10 Aug 2024

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About the Organization

The Pulitzer Center has a bold vision: to be the venue for the world’s most innovative and consequential reporting, with journalism as the key element for mobilizing society through audience engagement strategies.

Founded in 2006 by Jon Sawyer, the Center is an essential source of support for enterprise reporting in the United States and across the globe. The thousands of journalists and educators who are part of our networks span more than 80 countries. Our work reaches tens of millions of people each year through our news-media partners and an audience-centered strategy of global and regional engagement.

About the Grant

The Rainforest Reporting Grant provides short-term, project-based funding support to journalists who want to report on tropical rainforests in three key regions: the Amazon, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia. We seek ambitious reporting proposals looking into critical issues including illegal deforestation, Indigenous rights, the extraction industry, biodiversity, and more.

Tropical rainforests play a crucial role in mitigating climate threats and sustaining livelihoods. However, decades of destructive deforestation and extraction of forest resources are having alarming impacts. Reporting on these issues raises public awareness and demands accountability from those with the power to make improvements.

The Rainforest Reporting Grant is an evolution of the Rainforest Journalism Fund (RJF), which has supported more than 600 journalists who produced 1,700 reports in the past five years. These reports capture the various challenges, harmful industries, policy failures, scientific explorations, and inspiring practices of Indigenous communities that are taking place in forests across the three regions.

We seek proposals that expand the scope of our rainforest reporting in the Amazon, Central Africa, and Southeast Asia. We welcome ideas that explore underreported and systemic issues affecting the regions’ tropical rainforests, such as impacts of extractive industries on local people and environment, poor forest governance, carbon market initiatives, or inspiring conservation initiatives. We encourage reporting driven by innovation, data and technology, and collaboration.

Below are topic ideas to explore:

  • Large-scale agro-industry
  • Indigenous rights and policies
  • Cross-border timber and wildlife trade and supply chain
  • Forest and biodiversity health  
  • Chemical pollution
  • Forest fires
  • Palm oil production and regulation
  • Green energy
  • Artisanal mining and agriculture
  • Carbon storage and market schemes


  • Staff and freelance journalists are eligible.
  • The Rainforest Reporting Grant receives applications in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and bahasa Indonesia.

How to Apply

This opportunity is open and we are accepting applications. Please review our grant application guidelines and apply. If you have specific questions about applying please contact reacheditorial@pulitzercenter.org.

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