Applications Invited for Light­house Found­a­tion (LF) Project Grant

Applications Invited for Light­house Found­a­tion (LF) Project Grant

Organization: Light­house Found­a­tion (LF)

Apply By: 30 Sep 2024

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About the Organization

Earth's oceans are what give our planet its identity - the blue planet, the watery globe. They are the cradle of life, the region with the highest level of biodiversity we know, an irreplaceable source of food, a source and a storage chamber in world-scale chemical and energy cycles, the engine of earth's climate. The oceans determine the nature and quality of the biosphere far beyond their coastlines. They are the sustaining, all-encompassing element in the global biosphere.

The Lighthouse Foundation supports integrated and long-term approaches in the relationship between humans and the marine environment within the context of sustainable development.

About the Grant  

In accordance with the orientation of the LF, projects and measures must have a maritime theme and be suitable as models for follow-up projects and measures in other regions of the world. They must be of such a nature as to make people in other regions receptive to the theme and make a concrete contribution to an enhanced awareness of the maritime world.

Receptivity for and an awareness of sustainable development should not be narrowed down to sustained utilization of maritime resources. The important thing is to make it clear that the natural world in its biological and physical phenomenology is of value per se and cannot be reduced to the isolated aspect of satisfaction of human needs.

The usefulness and visibility factor of a pro­ject or meas­ure are closely re­lated in the view of the LF. A high pro­file and wide­spread dis­sem­in­a­tion of in­form­a­tion on activ­it­ies gen­er­ate the kind of pos­it­ive at­ten­tion and curi­os­ity mari­time themes and prob­lems de­serve. What we need to eval­u­ate a pro­ject or meas­ure is a clear-cut de­scrip­tion of the con­tri­bu­tion it will make. 

Coastal regions are the target regions for meas­ures and pro­jects geared to sus­tained de­vel­op­ment in the mari­time field. The eco­lo­gical land/​sea bound­ary is at the same time the hu­man/​sea in­ter­face and thus the fo­cal point of the rel­ev­ant eco­lo­gical, eco­nomic and so­cial chal­lenges. 

Interdisciplinary and inter-sector activities con­sti­tute the most prom­ising ap­proaches for ini­ti­ation of sus­tained de­vel­op­ment pro­cesses in the mari­time field. The con­cerns of re­gional pop­u­la­tions must be a cent­ral fo­cus and local per­son­al­it­ies should be en­gaged as driv­ing forces be­hind the activ­it­ies. 

Methods of project realization: Both the meth­ods and or­gan­iz­a­tion em­ployed by in­sti­tu­tions and per­sons re­spons­ible for the pro­jects or meas­ures must re­flect the prin­ciple of sus­tain­ab­il­ity. 

Regional developmental impulses: Pro­jects and meas­ures aim­ing at co-op­er­a­tion on re­gional de­vel­op­ment must gen­er­ate clearly defined and re­cog­niz­able de­vel­op­mental im­pulses within a pat­ently re­gional frame­work. The ob­ject­ive must be to im­prove the liv­ing con­di­tions of the re­gional pop­u­la­tion in a sus­tain­able man­ner and to con­trib­ute dir­ectly to a palp­able re­duc­tion of re­source con­sump­tion.  

Exemplary function: Pro­jects and meas­ures geared solely to an in­di­vidual situ­ation with little rel­ev­ance to wider circles can only be ap­plied to other situ­ations in other re­gions at con­sid­er­able ex­pense. The higher the ex­em­plary pro­file of a pro­ject or meas­ure, the greater its util­ity for the seas and oceans on a global scale.  

Synergistic effects: Pro­jects and meas­ures that are to re­ceive fin­an­cial as­sist­ance from the LF must also take into ac­count com­mit­ments from other donor or­gan­iz­a­tions. Re­dund­an­cies in donor work must be avoided, al­though by the same token the activ­it­ies of other donors can cer­tainly be in­teg­rated to cre­ate be­ne­fi­cial syn­er­gistic ef­fects.  

Utilization of financial means : The LF al­ways con­siders fin­an­cial aid in terms of the scope and fo­cus of the res­ult­ing con­tri­bu­tion to Found­a­tion goals and to a solu­tion of the es­sen­tial prob­lem as for­mu­lated in the pro­ject ap­plic­a­tion.

How to Apply

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