Applications Invited for Peace Research Grant

Organization: IPRA Foundation

Apply By: 28 Feb 2025

Grant Amount: 5000 USD

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About the Organization

Founded in 1990 the IPRA Foundation, a non-profit, tax-exempt organization, furthers the purposes and activities of the International Peace Research Association (IPRA) which, since 1965, has sought to enhance the processes of peace.

About the Grant

Ever since the Peace Research Grants Fund was created in 2002, the IPRA Foundation has awarded grants to help fund peace research projects in places as diverse as Argentina, Bosnia, inner city communities in the United States, the Middle East, the Philippines, the Punjab, and Uganda.

The original “Small Peace Research Grants Program” was replaced by the current IPRA Foundation Peace Research Grants Program in 2013 with larger grants available of up to $5,000, and details about these wonderful projects can be found below.


  • You are expected to demonstrate how your project supports nonviolent strategies in peace and conflict studies.  We are especially interested in projects that investigate how the conditions of peace can be advanced and/or the causes of war and other forms of violence be addressed, including their effects on people and society.
  • You are expected to identify your strategy for disseminating the results of the project to a broad audience and key stakeholders. Beyond academic journals, we recognize the value of cultural art forms, mainstream publications, films, TED talks, etc.
  • You are responsible for ensuring the safety and privacy of the research participant.
  • If you receive a Peace Research Grant, you agree to include the following statement in all current and future written and oral presentations related to this research project: “This research was funded by the Peace Research Grant Program of the International Peace Research Association Foundation.”
  • Special consideration will be given to researchers who demonstrate language and/or cultural competence in the research context.

Ineligibility Criteria

  • Only one grant will be awarded to any applicant from the Peace Research Grant Program. If you have previously received a grant, please do not apply for another.
  • Other ineligible applicants include family members, students or people with other unacceptable relationships to a current or past member of the Board of Directors of the IPRA Foundation or non-Board reviewer, members of the Board of Directors of the IPRA Foundation, or non-Board reviewers.

How to Apply

The Application period for submitting Peace Research Grant applications is now open and will close February 28, 2025.

Grant Application Instructions

For more information please check the Link

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