RFP - Onground Programme Design Agency

RFP - Onground Programme Design Agency

Organization: Girl Effect

Apply By: 30 Jul 2024

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About the Organization

Girl Effect is an international non-profit that builds media that girls want, trust, and need.From chatbots to chat shows and TV dramas to tech, our content helps adolescent girls in Africa and Asia make choices and changes in their lives. We create safe spaces for girls, sharing facts and answering questions about health, nutrition, education, and relationships, empowering girls with the skills to negotiate and redefine what they are told is possible “for a girl”.

Our reach is 50 million and counting, and we use technology to reach girls at scale so every girl can choose to be in control of her body, health, learning, and livelihood.

About the Proposal

India has 254 mn adolescents (120 mn adolescent girls) who require nutrition, education, and guidance to develop into healthy adults. Ensuring adolescents are healthy, safe, educated, and empowered, fuels multi-generational impact and can propel poverty alleviation and growth for the nation. This, in turn, will directly impact SDGs 3, 4, 5, 8, and 17. Investments in adolescent health will help India realize its demographic dividends, as healthy adolescents are an important resource for the economy. Although adolescents have the potential to transform India, they lack the basic resources and agency to do so. They are restricted by poor access to facilities such as sanitation, education and healthcare, as well as deep rooted socio-cultural norms. They are susceptible to several preventable and treatable health problems - early & unintended pregnancy, unsafe sex leading to STI/HIV/AIDS, nutritional disorders (malnutrition, anaemia & overweight), substance abuse, mental health concerns, injuries & violence. Multiple indicators repeatedly show that adolescents (particularly girls) in India remain vulnerable and marginalized.

An integrated health approach for adolescent girls and young women is essential to address their comprehensive well-being. This approach encompasses sexual and reproductive health, ensuring access to education and services that empower them to make informed decisions. Proper nutrition is critical to support their growth and development, while effective menstrual hygiene management is vital for maintaining dignity and preventing infections. Preventive healthcare measures, such as HPV vaccination, are crucial to protect against cervical cancer and other related diseases. Addressing anaemia and other health factors is necessary to reduce the risk of long-term health complications, promoting a healthier transition into adulthood. This holistic strategy is key to fostering overall health, education, and future opportunities for young women.

Integrated Health Programme for School girls aged 9-14

Girl Effect is embarking on an integrated adolescent health programme to build awareness amongst girls aged 9-14 years-old towards menstrual health and hygiene management (MHM), nutrition, and HPV Vaccine for cervical cancer prevention. The programme will be delivered both online and offline and will target both girls and their parents to generate awareness, social support and positive attitude towards the above health issues.

The TOR seeks to identify a design agency for an on-ground programme (potentially a school intervention) to reach girls 9-14 and their parents in select States across the Country.



  • Girls between 9-14 years (SEC C&D)


  • Caregivers/parents (both mothers & fathers) of girls between 9-14 years (SEC C&D)

Scope of Work

Chhaa Jaa is a national-scale youth brand that helps girls in India build the confidence to make choices and changes in their lives - concerning their Sexual Reproductive Health (SRHR), Mental Wellbeing, and Nutrition. The Chhaa Jaa programme is now at a critical stage of its implementation. This phase of the programme requires the team to have a clear onground programme strategy.

The core objective of this design sprint is to assist the Girl Effect India team design an innovative and impactful onground strategy for our new programme that aims to reach girls 9-14 years in government schools and their parents in select States. This onground intervention will help the brand meet and engage more deeply with young people and digitally less connected audiences towards programme objectives and outcomes. The onground intervention is to help the brand enhance, connect, and measure the impact of our programmes.

  • GE would like an agency to design the onground intervention concepts for the Chhaa Jaa youth brand along with developing an implementation plan for upcoming programmes. At the end of the sprint, we would to have accomplished the following:
  • Landscape audit on existing onground interventions (by government, non-governmental organizations and across Girl Effect’s geographies reaching and engaging with girls with programmes focusing on gender norms, sexual and reproductive health, mental wellbeing, and nutrition. This should focus on:
  • Focus on programmes that are reaching adolescent girls and young women (9-14 years) and other digitally disconnected / less connected audiences
  • Focus on programmes undertaking a gender transformative approach and including boys and men in their programmes
  • Focus on school programmes
  • An overview of media and technology products used within these interventions. The landscape audit should highlight the most innovative and impactful youth programmes.

Design of the onground programme intervention for Girl Effect’s new programme: The agency should run a process to engage Girl Effect team in designing a new onground strategy for its upcoming programmes, keeping in mind the best practices and what is feasible and sustainable as a long-term onground strategy for Girl Effect India.


Girl Effect India requires the agency to provide the following services in line with the scope of work below:

  • Landscape Review and Presentation
  • Conduct a primary/secondary review of existing onground interventions with AGYW within the sector focussed on gender norms, sexual and reproductive health, mental wellbeing, and nutrition - and any intersections.
  • Speak to key stakeholders within Girl Effect/ external to agencies that work directly with schools/girls 9-14 / their parents to understand the existing technology and media products at Girl Effect and past on ground efforts.
  • Synthesize and share overall findings with the Girl Effect team.
  • Assemble a multidisciplinary team with experts in communications/media and onground development programmes (NGO and government programmes) to participate in the workshops.
  • Design Workshop
  • Make all necessary provisions during the workshop including catering and all workshop materials.
  • Run the workshop efficiently, holding point on ensuring we meet the goals set at the start of the workshop.
  • Distill workshop findings into an onground intervention strategy for Girl Effect to be able to use for all future programmes.

How to Apply

To apply for this opportunity, please submit a proposal by email with the subject line “Onground Intervention Design” to suppliers@girleffect.org by 30th July latest.

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