RFP to develop bankable carbon finance models and mobilize carbon financing for select schemes in TOFI implementing states

RFP to develop bankable carbon finance models and mobilize carbon financing for select schemes in TOFI implementing states

Organization: International Centre for Research in Agroforestry – ICRAF (World Agroforestry)

Apply By: 26 Jul 2024

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About the Organization

The International Centre for Research in Agroforestry – ICRAF (also known by the brand name ‘World Agroforestry Centre’) is a Centre of scientific excellence that harnesses the benefits of trees for people and the environment. Leveraging the world’s largest repository of agroforestry science and information, we develop knowledge practices, from farmers’ fields to the global sphere, to ensure food security and environmental sustainability.

ICRAF's work also addresses many of the issues being tackled by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that aim to eradicate hunger, reduce poverty, provide affordable and clean energy, and protect life on land and combat climate change.

We receive our funding from a wide range of investors, including governments, private foundations, international organizations and regional development banks. Our work is conducted with partners from several scientific and development institutions. Headquartered in Nairobi, Kenya, ICRAF operates six regional programs and conducts research in 33 other countries around the developing world.

About the Proposal

CIFOR-ICRAF is leading the implementation of the Trees Outside Forests in India (TOFI) Program - a five-year joint initiative by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change (MoEF&CC) of the Government of India. The TOFI program aims to expand the area under trees outside forests to enhance livelihoods and ecosystem services across seven participating states, namely Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Haryana, Odisha, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu, and Uttar Pradesh.

Scaling up Trees Outside Forests (TOF) in India has the potential to yield substantial environmental, economic, and social benefits, aligning with the goals and international commitments of the Indian government. However, several barriers related to policies, economic factors, capacity, and information exist, which require focused attention to achieve widespread impact. The TOFI Program has been designed to specifically address these barriers, with a particular emphasis on unlocking and capitalizing on the promising opportunities for expanding Trees Outside Forests (ToF) in the seven participating states.

CIFOR-ICRAF is currently seeking agencies to engage diverse stakeholders in TOFI implementing states and design site-specific TOF models. The agencies will design carbon specific TOF models, perform technical and financial feasibility analyses to identify suitable activities, standards, and methodologies, and support the identification of scalable TOF projects. Additionally, they will conduct baseline assessments, mapping, and develop comprehensive project documents. The agencies will also develop carbon finance models for selected schemes and mobilize carbon financing for identified TOF projects.

The key deliverables for the selected agency will be:

  • Identify, and devise strategies to engage diverse stakeholders in the TOFI implementing states.
  • Design site-specific TOF models.
  • Perform technical and financial feasibility analysis to identify suitable activities, standards, and methodologies.
  • Support identify viable TOF Projects that can be scaled for implementation
  • Carry out baseline assessments and mapping and develop comprehensive project documents.
  • Develop carbon finance models for selected schemes and mobilize carbon financing from TOF identifying projects

The duration of the assignment will be 18 months from the date of signing of the contract.


  • Organizations must have a strong track record in successfully implementing large-scale carbon and climate change projects, like sustainability analysis, NRM projects (forestry, reforestation, afforestation, land restoration, conservation), or similar fields. This includes experience in project planning and execution.
  • Experience in issuing voluntary carbon credits and an openness for an impactfirst approach, rather than carbon-first approach to a carbon project.
  • A proven ability to engage with a wide array of stakeholders, including local communities and farmers, government entities, NGOs, R&D organizations, policy makers and the private sector, ensuring their input and cooperation in project planning and implementation.
  • Ability to design carbon specific Agroforestry schemes/models, conduct baseline assessments and mapping, technical feasibility and financial feasibility analyses.
  • Ability to synthesize findings, recommendations, and insights into a well-crafted technical report.
  • Relevant experience of work: Minimum 10 years.
  • Capacity to deploy field teams in all TOFI-relevant areas.
  • Connections with public organizations that TOFI will mobilize and the CIFORICRAF team for efficient coordination.
  • A result-oriented culture as the proposed work should land on an actionable, resourced and time-bound plans to leverage carbon markets in TOFI-relevant areas.

How to Apply

Submit your completed response/ technical proposal electronically to: procurement-icrafsouthasia@cifor-icraf.org by the close of business day on 26 July 2024, by 1700hrs (IST) in two separate PDF files. Widely named in subject line:

  • Company profile
  • Technical Proposal

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