RFP - Training and Capacity Building in the areas of ESG and sustainability

RFP - Training and Capacity Building in the areas of ESG and sustainability

Organization: RTI International

Apply By: 16 Sep 2024

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About the Organization

RTI International is an independent, nonprofit research institute dedicated to improving the human condition. Clients rely on us to answer questions that demand an objective and multidisciplinary approach—one that integrates expertise across the social and laboratory sciences, engineering, and international development. We believe in the promise of science, and we are inspired every day to deliver on that promise for the good of people, communities, and businesses around the world.

RTI International has been working in Asia for more than 35 years, providing technical assistance, institutional strengthening, and program support on behalf of governments, foundations, and privatesector clients. Together with our local partners, we deliver science- based solutions and advisory and technical services to help countries across South and Southeast Asia achieve national, regional, and local goals—in health, education, economic growth, governance and public policy, and environmental management. RTI is implementing 19 projects in the Asia region with its offices located in India, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, Philippines, Laos, Nepal, and Papua New Guinea.

About the Proposal

RTI International is the implementing contractor for a five (5) year USAID project called the USAID South Asia Regional Energy Partnership (SAREP). SAREP will serve as a linchpin of the Asia Enhancing Development and Growth through Energy (EDGE) initiative. To achieve USAID’s goal of improving access to affordable, secure, reliable and sustainable energy, SAREP will address two distinct, yet mutually dependent objectives: a. Enabling six countries – Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal and Sri Lanka—to build systems and processes in line with their respective economic and energy security priorities, and b. Facilitating collaboration among these six countries in a regional energy market that will accelerate economic development, self- reliance, livelihoods, health, and productivity throughout the region.

SAREP’s objectives are as follows:

Workstream 1: Regional Energy Hub

Workstream 2: Technical Services o

  • Objective 1: Enhanced regional energy markets and integration
  • Objective 2: Increased development of advanced energy
  • Objective 3: High-performing modern utilities.
  • Objective 4: Transparent, best-value procurement and Private Sector Investment

SAREP, with its focus on accelerating the clean-energy transition, enhancing private sector participation and advancing transparent procurement and market-based instruments, seeks to facilitate the financing of clean energy in South Asia. It is imperative that suitable financing instruments, efficient procurement mechanisms, and conducive policy and regulatory frameworks are in place to allow private investors to enter the energy sector and fund its expansion. Under its Objective 4, SAREP is working with its partners in the following areas:

  • Finance strategies to enable decarbonization/RE development
  • Facilitating use of new and innovative financing instruments and capacity development
  • Technical assistance to mobilize private investment through PPPs
  • Best-value procurement and enhancing bankability of clean-energy projects

Further, in order to deliver superior quality deliverables to USAID and Indian partners, SAREP proposes to engage a firm with relevant experience for the same.

Scope of Work

 SAREP shall be providing assistance to Power Finance Corporation (PFC) in areas pertaining to training and capacity building in the ESG domain, to PFC’s stakeholders which shall include its employees, board of directors and borrowers. The scope involves delivering ESG capacity building and training programs for enhancing general ESG awareness of their employees as well as sensitizing the relevant stakeholders in specific areas. The selected firm/bidder would also be responsible for collecting feedback from training participants and sharing with SAREP, as well as preparation of quarterly training reports. The capacity building shall be undertaken for the stakeholders listed below. It may be noted that the number of trainings is indicative and has been included solely for the purpose of evaluating the financial proposals. Number of trainings that are actually delivered may be higher or lower more than the indicative number. The firms are required to quote separate fees for each type of training and payments shall be made based on the type of stakeholder training conducted.

Category 1 - Board of Directors

  • Each training to be 3-hour classroom-based session to be delivered in Delhi.
  • Training content to graduate from introductory awareness of ESG to role of board in ESG risk management and utilization of ESG data for strategic decision making.
  • Topics to include global ESG landscape, ESG and organizational performance, using ESG data to support decision making, ESG reporting frameworks, country specific regulations in ESG sphere, climate risk in financial industry, RBI’s Draft Disclosure framework on Climaterelated Financial Risks, 2024 and its impact, greenwashing and its implications, ESG ratings, overview of environmental and social due diligence, corporate actions to promote sustainability, ESG risk management, India’s ESG ratings framework
  • Indicative number of trainings in the contract period – 2

Category 2 - Borrowers

  • Classroom based training session(s) for 100+ participants, with options for participants to join online. Location of training to be within India.
  • To cover introductory ESG topics, process of initiating ESG activities, ESG best practices for power sector across value chain – generation, transmission, distribution, introduction to Scope 1, 2, 3 emissions and data collection practices, common ESG/ environmental and social due diligence parameters, reporting on ESG parameters as per requirements in loan agreements
  • Indicative number of trainings in the contract period – 2

Category 3 - Employees

  • Classroom based interactive training sessions at Delhi, for 500 employees with options for participants to join online.
  • To cover ESG fundamentals, three pillars of ESG, introduction to climate change, ethical corporate behaviour, diversity and inclusion, supporting company’s sustainability and ESG targets
  • Indicative number of trainings in the contract period – 2

Category 4 – Department specific

  • Focused trainings delivered in classroom based interactive sessions at Delhi, with options for participants to join online
  • To cover best practices in ESG domain for each function, regulatory landscape, ESG reporting frameworks and voluntary disclosures, parameters in each function, data collection and reporting strategies for ESG reporting
  • Indicative number of trainings in the contract period – 5, 1 for each department
  • Indicative departments and focus areas
  • HR – Diversity and Inclusion, Equity o Vigilance – ESG governance
  • IT – Data privacy and security
  • Projects – incorporation of environmental and ESG in appraisal process
  • Admin – sustainable procurement, maintenance and office services for reducing emissions

The firm would also have to attend any client meetings/discussions whenever required, and incorporate feedback received from PFC and USAID in the training material.

Firms would have to follow USAID branding guidelines in preparing and delivering training content, and only USAID branding would reflect in the training collaterals. Firms with relevant experience are invited to participate in the request for proposal (RFP) issued by SAREP and task order will be awarded to the successful competent firm. The selected consultancy firm shall provide all requisite support and provide assistance in undertaking the activities mentioned in the scope of work.

How to Apply

Submit Proposal to: SAREP-Procurement@rti.org

Date Proposal Due: September 16, 2024

For more information please check the Link

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