RFP for Implementation of Sports Activities

RFP for Implementation of Sports Activities

Organization: Bharti Airtel Foundation

Apply By: 21 Sep 2024

RFP for Implementation of Sports Activities

We are inviting all interested Agencies/ free lancers to express interest for Implementation of Sports Activities

About Bharti Airtel Foundation

Bharti Airtel Foundation was set up in the year 2000 as the philanthropic arm of Bharti Enterprises. It implements and  supports programs in primary, secondary and higher education. Since 2006, the flagship, Satya Bharti School Program  has been providing free quality education to thousands of underprivileged children in 173 schools in rural India across  five states, with a focus on the girl child. The impact of quality education has been widened by transferring the learning  and good practices of this program to more than 3 lakh students studying in 800+ partnering government schools  across 11 States/UTs, through Satya Bharti Quality Support Program (QSP), since 2013. Most of the processes under  QSP were found to be pragmatic. Bharti Airtel Foundation was invited by several education officers at district and state  level to scale up some of the initiatives through QSP At Scale. The Foundation has recently launched a new initiative,  TheTeacherApp, one of the most innovative technology solution for teachers and educators in the country. In response  to the government’s Swachh Bharat Abhiyan, the Foundation initiated Satya Bharti Abhiyan from 2014 to 2021 which  benefitted over 2 lakh beneficiaries by improving sanitation conditions in the districts of Punjab. The Foundation has  been able to impact nearly 3 million children in a meaningful manner through its education programs this year.  https://bhartifoundation.org/

1. Introduction

Since 2006, the flagship initiative of the Bharti Airtel Foundation, the Satya Bharti School Program, has been offering  free quality education to thousands of underprivileged children across 164 schools in rural India, spanning four states.  Currently, close to 37,000 students are enrolled in Satya Bharti Schools, 50% girls.

Beyond academic performance, Satya Bharti Schools emphasize holistic education through innovative activities within  the school and community. These activities include experiential learning, project-based and activity-based approaches,  art-integrated learning, story-based pedagogy, and the use of educational technology resources etc. Additionally,  Sports activities contribute in building leadership, team work, pressure handling, commitment and coordination skills  among students, thus preparing them for future.

In alignment with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 which advocates the integration of sports through a cross curricular pedagogical approach while utilizing physical activities to develop essential life skills. It envisions a future  where fitness becomes a lifelong pursuit and cognitive abilities are enhanced through sports-integrated learning.

Satya Bharti Schools aim to introduce structured/integrated Sports education in 3rd to 8th Class in 30 Elementary  Schools. [10 in Jodhpur (Rajasthan) and 20 in Amritsar, Ludhiana, and Sangrur in (Punjab)]. (Details in Annexure I)

The Sports activities will be integrated into the existing school activities rather than being standalone. To achieve this  goal, the Bharti Airtel Foundation seeks to collaborate with an agency experienced in implementing Sports programs  within the schooling system. The agency’s role will involve designing, implementing, and demonstrating the impact of  Sports education within the Satya Bharti School program from end-to-end.

2. Background and Context

The New Education Policy (NEP) 2020 emphasizes the importance of sports and physical education for students' overall  development, including physical fitness and mental well-being. It advocates for integrating sports into the school  curriculum from the foundational stage to ensure all students have access to quality sports education alongside  academics. The policy supports a multidisciplinary approach, encouraging participation in various sports and activities,  and stresses collaboration between schools, sports organizations, and stakeholders to expand access to sports  programs and resources. NEP 2020 envisions a holistic education system where sports play a central role in promoting  students' well-being.

3. Goal & Objectives:

3.1. Goal

To strengthen the sports and physical activity in schools, contributing to the overall well-being, physical  endurance, sporting spirit and development of students.

3.2. Objectives of the initiative 

i. Develop and integrate sports education into the school activities to promote physical health, mental well being, and holistic development among students.

ii. Structured utilization of the dedicated period ear-marked for games within the school timetable.

iii. Develop interest and aptitude of students towards physical endurance and sports through fundamental learning and promoting knowledge and fundamentals of sports. 

iv. Increase student participation in external competitions.

4. Scope of Work

The empaneled agency will be responsible for  

a) Develop / suggest an integrated sports curriculum (basic for class III to V and focus on specific sport(s)) within  the overall academic calendar and school time-table. 

b) Ensure its ground implementation across 30 locations (Satya Bharti elementary Schools 20 in Punjab and 10  in Rajasthan)

c) Provide required resources at school level aligned to the suggested curriculum including sports equipment  and mobile sports instructors/coach (over a cluster of schools).

▪ The sports instructor/coach should visit every school at least twice a week for a full day engagement to  conduct the activities for various classes (III to VIII) in consultation with the School Head Teacher and as  per timetable. 

▪ Take and guide the team to participate in such external competitions at block/district level in adherence  to the child protection and out-of-school visit policies of Satya Bharti Schools. 

▪ Identify and coach the students having the potential to excel in different sports and athletic activities

▪ Identify the opportunities for sports & athletics activities for participation, build a school team/potential  students for participation in such external competitions. 

▪ Provide regular feedback to the respective school Head Teacher and the Bharti Airtel Foundation project  staff (Cluster Coordinator) of the progress made and student performance.

d) Ensure overall program implementation, supervision, monitoring, adherence to statutory compliances and  Bharti Airtel Foundation/Satya Bharti School child protection policies. 

e) Submit a detailed project progress report, mid-year and end of academic session on the overall project  movement, key initiatives, success and area that need focus. 

f) Suggestive sports activities: - Volleyball, Handball, Wrestling, Kabaddi, Badminton, Kho-Kho, Track Games  Running, Skipping rope, Shotput, Discus etc. Agency can also suggest suitable and age-grade appropriate  sports activities based on previous experience.

5. Eligibility Criteria for interested agencies

a. Must be a registered for-profit/non-profit agency registered under the relevant laws  

b. Must have over 5 years’ experience working with students in a regular Integrated Sports school program.

c. Should have the ability to design integrated course curriculum, classroom pedagogy, and facilitating sessions  with the school students of Primary and Elementary.

d. Ability to hire, engage and monitor program implementation in remote locations (refer Annexure I below on  30 program locations) in the State of Punjab and Rajasthan

e. Experience in organizing sports programs and activities for educational institutions, preferably schools. f. Expertise in coaching and training across multiple sports disciplines.  

g. Ability to work with diverse groups of students, including those from underprivileged backgrounds. h. Availability of qualified sports teachers, trainers, and coaches’ i. e. Capacity to implement sports programs  across multiple locations in India.  

i. Compliance with all relevant legal and regulatory requirements.

6. Expected Results and Deliverables

a. Curriculum and its delivery plan and aligned with Satya Bharti School Calendar / Time-table (Details in  Annexure II)

b. The complete plan covering the integration of sports activities within the existing school timetable

c. Procurement and installation of required sports equipment and hiring of required human resource on its staff  roll  

d. Baseline report and end-line report measuring the change  

7. Timeline and Milestones

a. Submission deadlines :21st Sep 2024

b. Finalization of Sports Agency : 1st Oct’24

c. Calendar of activities/milestones : 14th Oct’24

d. Baseline Assessment : 20th Oct’24

e. Complete plan of implementation : 25th Oct’24

f. End line Report : 30th June’25

8. Roles and Responsibilities of Agency

a. The plan developed by the partner should be the original product. Content used from other resources/agencies  must be acknowledged

b. Activities and session should be child centered and contextual.  

c. Ensure that activities are conducted during the school time no need for students, teachers or facilitator to stay  in school beyond the planned hours.

d. Ensuring Bharti Airtel Foundation Child protection policy and code of conduct is followed; including  clearances and authorization as appropriate under child protection training and certificates.  e. Partner will ensure the dignity and respect of everyone involved with special attention to woman teachers and  girl students.

9. Submission Details

Kindly submit your detailed proposal describing your experience in facilitating/designing/implementing Sports activities with detailed plan and budget in pdf format at Vidyasagar.manohar@bhartiairtelfoundation.org on or before  21st Dec 2024.


All the proposal shall have subject “Quote for Implementation of Sports activities”

We invite you to submit your proposal by email to Vidyasagar.manohar@bhartiairtelfoundation.org Should you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to contact the undersigned Vidyasagar Manohar

DGM – Procurement 

Bharti Airtel Foundation


Mobile # +91 – 8939909077 ( Whatsapp Available ) 

We look forward to receiving your proposal and potentially welcoming you as a valued member of our QP reviewer.

Thank you for considering our request.


Vidyasagar Manohar

To download the full RFP, click here





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